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After packing everything up, Yuan Wenxuan raised his face all of a sudden looking at Song Qinghan, he asked, “Master, am I going to get an operation as well?”

Song Qinghan pondered for a moment and then said, “Let’s get your operation tomorrow, is that fine?”

If the pus shouldn’t be used so directly on a normal person, some symptoms should have been caught within one day.

Yuan Wenxuan nodded obediently and agreed.

On the other side, Doctor Shi looked rather resigned standing there while he couldn’t help comparing Yuan Wenxuan to the servant he bought, and then he sighed deeply, shaking his head and saying with resignation, “Child from the neighbor is always better than the domestic ones…”

Xia Yunfei touched the gauze on his body, he uttered suddenly, “If the pus on my body is going to run out, how can we save the villagers in such a large quantity?”

Well, this question was also the one which Doctor Shi and Yuan Wenxuan wanted to inquire. Both of them turned their face to Song Qinghan at the same time, waiting without words for Song Qinghan to open his mouth.

Song Qinghan stood still there and then answered with a wry smile, “As there is a hope, there is a way. Trust me, we can surely save all of them, but not out of the pus from you. We are going to extrude some from the cows.”

With a total stun, Xia Yunfei asked skeptically, “Cow? But we are not animals, how is that possible to …?”

Song Qinghan sighed, he decided not to make any more excuse to deceive them, he just answered toughly, “Just follow my lead, I won’t let you down.”

In the blink of an eye, the day passed again. Song Qinghan didn’t get any abnormally physical rejection while the rashes on Qingfeng’s body was getting smaller and smaller.

After confirming that his operation was correct, Song Qinghan asked Doctor Shi to vaccinate Yuan Wenxuan with the pus and then turned to those bulky men to vaccinate themselves by each other.

Doctor Shi was a bit upset at the beginning when he noticed that Yuan Wenxuan got a way faster movement than he did. But he suddenly cheered up as he took a glance at those bulky men who were all in a clumsy reaction.

Those bulky men looked really dumb fumbling on the other party’s arms and backs as if they were a group of monkeys catching louses from their skins. Though they did imitate the way how Yuan Wenxuan and Doctor Shi did, they were just way too slow-witted to get every step smooth. Some scratched broke the other’s arms with blood flowing out, some even got their white bone exposed with serious injuries. The scene was full of bawls and cries.

Finally, as all of the ruffians finished their vaccination, they lay on the ground on all sides, all of them were putting on an expression of agony on their faces. Well, that was a totally different picture compared to the one when they just came.

Just as he was about to pack things up and head to the Moshang Town, Song Qinghan suddenly thought of something and reminded Doctor Shi, “How about the servant of yours?”

Stunned, Doctor Shi rushed to the room where the servant still stayed and knocked on the door.

Doctor Shi didn’t stay with the servant in the same room but he was with Song Qinghan, he totally forgot the servant in the room while he had to be focused on the vaccination thing.

The servant inside heard the sound and approached, responding faintly and weakly, “Don’t come in… I, I got the smallpox.”

His voice was so faint that Doctor Shi didn’t even catch the last bit of his words. In thinking that the servant hadn’t had something to eat now for almost two days, Doctor Shi asked one of the bulky men to burst the door open by force. As the door opened, he rushed in hurriedly.

A Western Doctor's Happy Farming Life[1]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя