Chapter 22

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Song Qinghan couldn’t even resist since Wu Dahu reinforced his strength.

“It’s okay for him, dear. I got myself heated, it is also good for me to share some for you!”

Hearing that, Song Qinghan gave up his resistance. After his feet were completely warmed up, his consciousness gradually fainted and he fell into his sweet dream.

The next morning, Song Qinghan found out that he was no long facing against the wall featuring endless coldness, but the masculine and handsome appearance of Wu Dahu instead.

All of a sudden, he got his face blushed with a red-rimmed appearance, he closed his eyes slightly and just half opened to observe carefully the man by his side.

Wu Dahu got an appearance not that kind of most handsome, but he featured a angular face with a clean-cut chin line. It would be thanked to the long experience of hunting in the mountain for years that made him beautiful as a flawless jade, chanting others’ attention without moving off.

Just as Song Qinghan’s sight gradually fell downward, Wu Dahu suddenly opened his eyes with a hoarse voice that had yet to be fully awake.

“You’re awake?” said Wu Dahu.

Song Qinghan then quickly opened his eyes wide and nodded awkwardly, an expression of guilty showed up on his face as if he had done something shameful and wrong.

Wu Dahu got up and off the bed in a quick move, getting his shoes on and moving outward.

“I got up late today. I’m going to make breakfast now.” said Wu Dahu.

Without Wu Dahu, the bed seemed to be fallen into an endless emptiness, with Song Qinghan’s heart empty as well.

Well, he now got no reason to stick to the bed, he then sat up lazily, and then went to clean up his face and walked straight to the kitchen.

Wu Dahu noticed that Song Qinghan was sticking to him, he thought he was already starved and then scratched his own head with embarrassment, saying, “I am rather picky about beds, so yesterday I got myself awake till midnight, and got up late the morning. Breakfast is ready, just wait for some seconds.”

Song Qinghan returned to the room obediently trying to mull over what Wu Dahu said. it wasn’t a truth that Wu Dahu was picky about beds, he just stayed up late to warm his feet up. That was why he got himself still awake at midnight. Wasn’t it?

After the two finished their breakfast, Wu Dahu saw that it was not too late and said, “I’m going to the town again today and I will check out the feedback of the folks about the seasonings. It shouldn’t be any oxcart outside now, maybe you can stay at home today. Is that okay?”

Although Song Qinghan was a little reluctant, he knew that he could not follow him to the town in such an inconvenient situation, nor would he impede the man to earn the living. He nodded obediently, saying, “It’s fine, just go, I won’t open the door for everyone.”

Wu Dahu noticed that Song Qinghan had become rather obedient since last night. He got confused about that but anyway, he got his nerves loosened finally.

“Alright, then I’ll leave now. If I haven’t come back before noon, you can warm up the rest of the food I prepared already in the pot.” said Wu Dahu.

“Okay.” answered Song Qinghan, as he saw Wu Dahu left the house, he got the latch locked and went back to the bed.

It was not long after Song Qinghan fell asleep that a gush of knocking sound came from the door, with a familiar voice.

“Brother Dahu, are you home? I am coming back for the charge money!” gushed the man outside the door.

Song Qinghan realized that it was Qian Baozi outside. He hesitated for a while but still opened the door.

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