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Noticing that Song Qinghan finally came to know everything, the mixed-race man continued to explain, “His name is Muhammad, one of the orphans belonging to the Langya Tribe, and he intends to utilize those triplets to control the Yueya Tribe, and then step by step, he wants to conquer.”

The information confessed by the mixed-race man was indeed the ones Song Qinghan was eager to figure out, as well as the ones those triplets wanted Song Qinghan to ask so. It was completely out of his surprise that the mixed-race man would say it without further asking.

Song Qinghan nodded and suddenly recalled the picture of Muhammad’s expression when he left, and then he subconsciously asked, “He didn’t seem that good, what for?”

The mixed-race man chuckled slightly and then shook his head, “Probably it was because that I told him I should tell him about the triplets’ whereabouts after a meticulous consideration, and that’s what had incurred his impatience. But I am afraid that probably he had speculated that those triplets are currently living here even though I had already tried my best to mislead his thought.”

This was not an answer that beyond Song Qinghan’s expectation that much, so he didn’t say anything but came to comfort the mixed-race man, telling him that he would handle everything well.

Well, if this Muhammad guy was really doubtful to everything, he would definitely resort to any possible tactics to test them out. At that time what they needed to do was to ‘Fight Fire with Water’.

The only concern now was that everything needed to be done urgently. If he failed to conceived of a way to dispose the triplets, he would go to the front line very soon with Wu Dahu.

After coming out from the mixed-race man’s room, Song Qinghan sighed and then walked into the other one where the triplets stayed.

The triplets didn’t seemed to be quite surprised toward Song Qinghan’s arrival as if they had already known that Muhammad visited here again. They remained their immutable silence, probably they knew that once they spoke, their minds and attitudes would be worse again.

After Song Qinghan told them the news that they wanted to know, he was interrupted all of a sudden at the moment he was about to inquire of their opinion over it, “Muhammad from the Langya Tribe? How come he is still alive?” one of the triplets asked, surprised.

Oh, so they were old acquaintances? Song Qinghan thought so and then raised his eyebrows, “What now? Is he your old friend?”

The triplets exchanged their glances, and shook their heads at the same time, and then one among them took the initiative to explain, “Not that kind of friend, but he is just famous.”

Song Qinghan could catch some hidden information from the triplet’s tone, so he uttered thoughtfully, “So, I suppose it is a good news?”

Beyond his expectation, the one who spoke laughed suddenly, “Well, if Muhammad is able to murder the family of the Huya Tribe, the one which exterminated his beloved tribe, that should be one of the good news.”

Song Qinghan nodded and murmured secretly in his own mind. Ha? Was it a custom or something to name their tribe with the word ‘ya’ within the minority territory? Yueya, Langya and Huya, what would be the next?

Noticing that Song Qinghan was being silent, the triplet probably didn’t want Song Qinghan to misunderstand what he meant, so he continued to explain, “I heard that he is kind of a short-tempered guy but able to distinguish good from bad. No one dares to offend him at all. Well, since he is now searching for us. I think he will ruin us if he can’t obtain us.”

“Oh, so what’s your plan now? Are you willing to pay allegiance to him?”

Song Qinghan stared at the triplets out of curiosity, waiting for their answer quietly.

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