chapter 34

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Noticing the young man being under an emotional instability, Doctor Luo came to console, saying, “You just stay here in my shop, he doesn’t dare to come here. If he comes, I will try my best to protect you!”

Song Qinghan shook his head and stood up slowly, saying, “No, I can’t be here. I don’t want to get you in trouble. Doctor Luo, you’re such a man of kindness to help me out. I will figure out an idea myself to save Dahu…”

The status quo Song Qinghan was caught in sink worried Doctor Luo the most, he couldn’t let the young man carrying a baby go without protection, he then persuaded, “What if you get caught after you leave here? You probably would lose your baby if you get yourself in limbo.”

Touching his own belly, Song Qinghan seemed to calm down with a sudden sober look on his face, he raised his head looking at Doctor Luo, saying, “Don’t worry about that, Doctor Luo. I will surely take good care of myself and my baby, this is the child of Dahu. I will sacrifice myself in protecting him if necessary. I just got an idea in mind, I will go and find if it is feasible.”

Doctor Luo stared at him skeptically, saying, “Are you sure about that, not taking risk yourself?”

Song Qinghan nodded and said with certainty, “Definitely, I won’t take the risk!”

Doctor Luo finally gave it up persuading Song Qinghan, he just gave the way to him, urging, “Then take care of yourself, if you meet some problems, feel free to come back here. Huichun Shop is always opened for you.”

Feeling a trace of warmth flowing in mind, Song Qinghan forced himself to smile big, and bowed himself showing his great respect to Doctor Luo, saying, “Again, thank you so much, Doctor Luo, for your great kindness. I will take Dahu here again when everything is done.”

Doctor Luo waved his hands, saying in a causal tone, “Thank me for what? I did not do you any favor yet. Let us forget the fruit thing for some days. When your husband is released, we will keep on our business.”

Song Qinghan nodded, then he turned around and left the place.

The person who tied the bell is required to untie it. Well, that is to say, Lin Dafu bore the most responsibility for this affair.

Song Qinghan stood in front of the Lin Mansion. Not long, he finally met someone he wanted to meet.

Lin Dafu landed on the ground from his sedan, staring at Song Qinghan in amazement, saying, “Han, what brings you here?”

At the moment Song Qinghan was about to speak, he passed out without any signs.

Lin Dafu approached to catch Song Qinghan in a flash, and then he shouted to his servant, “Take doctor here, NOW!”

He picked Song Qinghan up and walked towards the guest room.

By the time he carefully put Song Qinghan down in bed, the mansion doctor arrived in the room.

After the doctor got the pulse, he wanted to ask a few more questions. But then he caught a glimpse of Lin Dafu, who was grabbing a face of seriousness and impatience, he didn’t dare to ask but drew a conclusion, saying, “He, umm… he’d been through a great pressure and overwhelming anxiety. That causes him a temporary coma. Nothing too bad, just rest until he’s fine.”

Beyond the mansion doctor’s expectation, Lin Dafu didn’t release the seriousness on his face, but the eyebrows of his became even more tightened. Lin Dafu said, “What do you mean Overwhelming Anxiety? A great pressure? What happened to him?”

The doctor came to an awkwardness, saying, “I’m… I’m afraid that it can’t be diagnosed from the pulse…”

Lin Dafu didn’t expect him to answer, he just waved his sleeves, ordering, “Just get out of here, all of you!”

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