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Wu Dahu laughed out of his wrath, he grasped the collar of Hualian’s cloth and then lifted him up roughly, sneering, “Well, well, what a golden mouth you’ve got! Are you really that tough and not going to confess? Then let’s go and meet your grand master. I will let you see whether your tongue is tougher than my fists!”

“Nooo, please, please don’t take me there…”

Hualian begged as the tears in his eyes blurred his sight, he was so lowly like a tiny granule of dust blown away by a random stream of breeze, aimless and homeless.

However, Wu Dahu dragged him outward mercilessly just like he was dragging a dead dried fish as if he didn’t hear the voice of Hualian.

Hualian closed his eyes and screamed as they almost got the gate in the yard, “If we really go to Master’s Mansion today, the child will die!”

Wu Dahu paused, narrowed his eyes and said coldly, “Oh, really? So you hid Wenxuan your own?”

He thought getting Yuan Wenxuan was from Zhai Su’s idea in the beginning, but now, it seemed this Hualian guy had hid something his own?

Hualian sobbed and cried in despair, “it’s me, it’s me! But if I can’t complete the mission, they will die!”

Wu Dahu looked down at Hualian from a height, he could capture the information in Hualian’s utterance, and then he asked, “They? Who are they? Your relatives? How vicious is Zhai Su to resort to such an unscrupulous tactic?! What is the mission? To poison Song Qinghan to his death?”

But beyond his expectation, Hualian passed out suddenly after he inhaled the air for a moment.

Wu Dahu got his sullen face even tighter as the femina man became soft and lifeless on the ground. He couldn’t go back to find Song Qinghan if he failed to get Yuan Wenxuan back. But if Hualian refused to confess to the actual location where Yuan Wenxuan stayed, he couldn’t find the boy even though he went to get the officials here. And even worse, such an action probably would put Yuan Wenxuan on thin ice. Now the most troublesome problem was that Hualian wouldn’t confess if he couldn’t complete the mission.

It was a real contradiction now posting to Wu Dahu. If it was possible, he would really smash the brain of Hualian and see what the real intentions he got.

He walked around in the yard while looking at Hualian who was lying motionlessly on the ground, he sighed heavily with resignation, and then closed the door and headed to get Doctor Shi.

When Doctor Shi got into the yard and found Song Qinghan and Yuan Wenxuan weren’t at home, while noticing that the only servant in the house was “bullied” and lying on the cold and dead ground without consciousness. He got his expression rather strange and mumbled something to himself. But when he saw that Wu Dahu was frowning tight there without words, he approached to take Hualian’s pulse.

“Alas, this child gets a weak physical foundation, he has been in a situation of starvation for years and now he got frightened suddenly. That’s the main reason he passed out. Feed him some sugar soup and congee later, and get him some rest.”

After that, he looked at Wu Dahu who was seemingly being careless, and then he asked, “Where are Doctor Song and Wenxuan going? Are they going out for a walk?”

Wu Dahu paused for a moment, and then he decided not to expose the whole matter, answering in a vague tone, “Something like that.”

Dr. Shi sighed and nodded, saying, “Alright! It’s good for Doctor Song to talk a walk though, and he can go out for other doctors to see whether some of them know such an illness. Doctor Song is such a talent, I am afraid he is envied by the Buddha, but trust me, as long as he is able to get through this suffering, bunch of fortunes are awaiting him.”

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