chapter 31

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Xiang Tiange, the initiator of evil, erupted all of a sudden with his expression uninviting and trembling, he couldn’t even hold his hypocritical smile on his face longer.

The man outside started ratting Xiang Tiange out in confession, saying, “He promised me that if I made this successfully, he will deliver me 200 silver coins. So in the thought that this kind of affair isn’t that perilous but somehow unethical. I took the mission immediately. Well, I know I am not that kind of sage, Sure enough, I choose the money.”

“Since I’ve come here, Xiang Tiange arranged me to meet a femina male, I know he is the husband of the Head Villager in your village. Someone named Mei… I am not quite sure.” The man continued to utter.

“Mei Xilin,” Wu Dahu said, trying to remind the man of the name.

“Ah, yes, that’s it. It’s Mei Xilin! You bet, it must be a secret affair between Xiang Tiange and Mei Xilin if you’ve seen how they acted. Disgusting jerks they are!”

In the room, Mei Xilin had already got himself a totally pale look on his face. He didn’t dare to speak a word noticing the indifferent eyes of Wu Pinglang. Shaking his head without a word, he seemed to deny everything just happened.

Song Qinghan frowned and said to the man, “Keep confessing! What happened after you met with Mei Xilin?”

The man thought for a moment and then uttered with his expression mixing with rage and grudge, “And then he informed me how to knock your door and seduce you out. He taught me everything including the injury of Xiaoqing’s femina dad, Qin Aye’s clothes and the accident of Dahu.”

“Fu*k that piece of shit! If I know he is such impotent, I would not have accepted this task!” murmured the man.

As he tried to swallow a bit, he could clearly feel the the blade of the dagger scratching and tearing apart his skin, he couldn’t help but beg again, trembling, “I… I confessed you all the matter, let go of me now! I will give the money back to Xiang Tiange. I won’t come this place again.”

Noticing that Wu Pinglang had already walked out from the room showing up in the yard, Wu Dahu loosened his hands but then tied the man up again, whispering to the man, “It all depends on the Head Villager to let you go or not. But I’d like to warn you in advance, STAY AWAY FROM MY PLACE!”

The warning seemed to work, the man was frightened, trembled. He responded immediately and promised, “I won’t, I won’t come here again. Never, never!”

Wu Pinglang clenched his fists, trying to calm himself down, saying in equanimity, “We should take this guy to the court! I am free this afternoon, I can go with you to the town.”

After that, he turned around staring at Xiang Tiange and Mei Xilin, awating the explanation from this two.

Mei Xilin stepped forward a bit with his hypocritical expression and red-rimmed eyes, trying to grab the hands of Wu Pinglang, but only to receive an ignorance of him. He then used his handkerchief to wipe his next-to-nothing tears, feeling wronged and saying, “If I were sent to the court, probably there will be some physical punishment ahead for me. Do you really like me to suffer from that? What if I die from it?”

Xiang Tiange stepped out and said with hesitation, “We can’t trust this guy since he can not prove himself the truth. And furthermore, we lost nothing from him, did we? Brother Wu, how about we just be generous and let this guy go?”

Wu Pinglang gave a cold glance to these performing clowns, and then pointed at Song Qinghan, saying, “Loss? If there’s something lost, do you think you can afford all of it? Dahu’s husband is going to deliver his baby within months. If something bad happened to him. How do you think you can make him up? He’s carrying a BABY! A fetus alive, not a toy!”

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