chapter 43

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Nodding, the waiter looked around in a sneaky way, saying, “I heard that Childe Song cheated on Childe Lin. The child in his belly doesn’t belong to Childe Lin! ”

Twisting his face, the shopkeeper got himself more confused standing there. He pointed at the counter and then again pointed at the direction where the two left, saying, “Then how… How is Childe Lin being so generous for buying that hairstick? Is it a drama or…?”

The waiter scratched his head, saying in confusion, “Well, I have no idea about that though. But what can be confirmed is that Childe Song was kicked out of the Lin Mansion. Ah, I’ve heard another matter from Lin Mansion. Childe Lin did kicked his last husband out. You know what? That is the son of the county magistrate. How dare Childe Lin!”

The shopkeeper shook his head, murmuring, “Since Childe Lin got his business expanded, he did change a lot, I bet. Well, it won’t be strange if he has found another lover who will help him get promoted in some ways, and kicked County Magistrate Wang’s son out.”

The waiter stood there with his eyes wide open, giving the shopkeeper a thumb-up, and saying in excitement, “How wise you are, Mr. shopkeeper. I can’t even figure it out in such a profound way.”

With an amusement, the shopkeeper burst into laughter all of a sudden by the natural yet kind of asinine reaction from this young and timid waiter, he laughed waving his sleeves, and then turned around, saying, “Go inside now. Well, I am quite sure that you’re not capable to acquire any knowledge about the lover affair. Once you get involved yourself, you will know. Anyway, how foolish human is to chase the love along the way! The coins rein the the world. Ain’t it right?”

As these two chattered right in the shop, a man, possessing a perfectly delicate and handsome face and staying right next to the shop, pounded on the wall with his bare fist. With the wall cracked a bit and crashed stone splashed, the man got his fist bleeding. In such a pain, he didn’t shout or roar but just turned around and left.

At the yard of Lin Mansion, at the moment Song Qinghan was about to take off the hairstick, Lin Dafu uttered all of a sudden, “That’s it. I officially announce that the curtain falls now, and the show is over. Go pack yourself now, and I will send you back to Wu Dahu later, well, for my last responsibility to you. As for this hairstick, do whatever you would love to do with it after we apart, smash it or sell it, whatever.”

With the confess of Lin Dafu, Song Qinghan took a sudden pause on his hand, but then moved quickly to the room and packed himself. Later, he showed up in front of Lin Dafu carrying his cloth-wrapper and suppressing his overwhelming excitement.

Today must be his lucky day! He had waited for it for SOOOO LONG!

Lin Dafu delivered him a plain face, trying to neglect the exciting face of Song Qinghan.

As the carriage started moving ahead, Lin Dafu came to say, “I am a bit worried that Wu Dahu probably will be kind of jealous and get annoyed of us being together these days.”

Song Qinghan never expected that the man in front of him right away would still care about him, he smiled big, saying, “No, he won’t. If he does, he will surely calm himself down overnight sleeping. Moreover, he should know that I stay with you these days for saving him. He will definitely understand that.”

Pondering a while, Lin Dafu said thoughtfully, “Well, it’s good if he understand you. But I don’t think he will. Not every man in the world is like me, being so generous and kind, and will never be jealous.”

With that short conversation, Song Qinghan suddenly got himself a sullen face. He lowered down head staring at his ever-growing belly, and then he pouted his lips, mumbling, “How am I, as someone carrying a big belly, supposed to live with you? Dahu isn’t that kind of foolish man being jealous about this. If he is, I can’t even blame him for just being that emotional. I am the culprit who caused him a series of trouble.”

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