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No matter what, it was Wu Dahu’s credit again to perfectly protect the room, their territory, and at the same time he did ascertain the actual situation of his two opponents. At least from the current situation, they were all good at close combat. Yet it was his great curiosity to figure out the others whether they were good at distance combat or not.

After Song Qinghan supported Hualian back to the room, he got the medical medicine ou t to help Hualian apply the medicine. Seeing that Hualian was still depressed and gloomy on face, he washed some golden berries for Hualian to eat while consoling, “It’s not your fault. They are the ones who took the initiative to get us troubles. Besides, both the master and the servant get some martial skills themselves. It’s quite normal as you failed to defeat them.”

Hualian shook his head and bit his lower lip, whispering, “Sorry, Young Mistress, I am too weak to protect you, I got nothing talent to help you and Young Master, and I even became a drag on you…”

Noticing that Hualian’s tone was becoming lower and lower while his face became sullener, Song Qinghan pondered for a while and asked as if he was about to discuss, “Don’t be so pessimistic, alright? Maybe we should get you a shop and you will be the shopkeeper for us? In that case, you don’t have to think of bunch of ideas to please us and take care of us. On the other hand, you will get things to do and money to earn, won’t it be good?”

“I am not going to be the shopkeeper, Young Mistress… I can be your helper in that shop, but not a shopkeeper…”

The lotus refused in a hurry. His face was full of stubbornness and toughness, as if he was not satisfied with her current situation.

Song Qinghan did not say anything to comfort him, because this feeling of inferiority that came from the bottom of Hualian’s heart and was deeply influenced by his original family could not be changed through language. He could change only by actions.

So he continued, “Hey, it’s not something like ‘shopkeeper’, your responsibility will just be like the one you did in the provincial capital, sell the goods and get the coins. But we get a biggest problem here now, we do not have something new to sell here. It will be quite awkward for us to sell only spices here, right?”

Although Song Qinghan had never asked about the renting price of the stores outside, he still knew the fact that in this state capital where the price of every single inch of land possessed an equal value of a piece of gold, just a tiny shop probably would cost them all the savings.

Hualian frowned tight and thought about it. He then answered softly, “If, if you don’t mind, I might think of making some snacks!”

The reason why he made such a suggestion was that he felt that selling the spices was not enough, and if it was made into food, he would be able to unleash the greatest advantage of the seasoning and spices and even sell more and earn more.

Moreover, he had secretly observed the conditions along the way as they came here. The shops here obviously still hadn’t found the secret of the seasoning, the food delivered by the other servants were still with plain and even bad taste, it was just like the flavor Song Qinghan once mentioned before, they were just a suffering to their taste buds.

Seeing that Hualian had his own thoughts in mind now, Song Qinghan was quite surprise while the happiness showed on his face, he nodded and answered, “Alright, that’s how it is decided. Let’s go out to search for the unused shops and see if we can get a suitable one for boosting our business. If that isn’t going to work, we will go get our stall on street, well, the good news for that is we can save a lot for getting just a stall.”

Excitement overwhelmed Hualian’s brain after he was informed by Song Qinghan with such a breathtaking idea, it seemed that he had never thought that he would be taken so seriously by others, he then made up his mind, raised his head and swore to Song Qinghan, “I, I… I will never let you down, Young Mistress, I will earn bunch of money back to you!”

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