chapter 74

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As a western medicine graduate, of course Song Qinghan knew the importance and effect of the breathing method when it came to a crucial operation. So he was quite obedient to the midwifery man. As the midwifery man’s hand pressed he exhaled, and inhaled while the midwifery man got his hand loosened.

Although it was just a tiny change, he could clearly feel that his whole body was in a relieving situation. As he got his breath evener, the pain on his belly mitigated.

The break on Song Qinghan’s belly still kept widening, but the speed was getting slower and slower till it almost stopped tearing.

Suddenly, the midwifery man shouted, “Alright! NOW, exert, push as hard as you can!”

Song Qinghan was startled by the sudden roar of the midwifery man. The self-preserved strength was swept away in a flash, he could only restart adjusting his breath and congregating his strength to gather all his energy on his belly.

The midwifery man somehow was nothing useful currently. As soon as Song Qinghan succeeded finding the tempo he could spurted all his strength, he was again disrupted by the annoying roar of the midwifery man which failed him to make any result for several attempts.

However, the midwifery man was unaware of his mistakes but just kept urging and shouting, “Harder! Are you disabled? Aren’t you able to do that? Hurry up!”

Hearing that, Song Qinghan was finally ignited, he responded with his face getting sullen all of a sudden, “Shut up, You! I’m gonna kill you if you dare to make more meaningless noises.”

He was already in extreme pain, in addition, the failure to congregate all his strength made him gloomy and fidgeted. That was why he would shout back in a heavy tone.

But the midwifery man seemed not to intend to sympathize Song Qinghan at all. Though he had shut his mouth tight standing there, he still stared at Song Qinghan relentlessly. The overflowing grievance almost flow out from his rounded and bulging eyes.

Wu Dahu heard Song Qinghan’s words outside the room and then he stopped pacing around, as if he was quite afraid that his footsteps would annoy and disturb Song Qinghan. He just stood stationary outside the delivery room, showing all his eagerness to get further information of Song Qinghan by the window.

Song Qinghan focused his attention back on his belly, following his own tempo breathing. With another round of striving, a black hair finally emerged inside his belly.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the baby’s head seemed to be stuck stiffly. Only a little hair popped out and the rest was just seized up without any movement.

The midwifery man suddenly snorted coldly, saying in a disdaining tone, “See? What did I just say?! The fetus is way too big, he’s facing the difficult delivery right now! You, or the fetus, choose one now. Hurry up, I have no time wasting here.”

Hearing that, Song Qinghan was discouraged all of a sudden while the strength he gathered dissipated, he then squinted, ordering, “Get me boiled water! Liquor! Candle! Needles! Prepare them all for me!”

Although his voice wasn’t that loud, Wu Dahu still could hear that clearly in the environment of complete silence. He then moved as fast as he could, and not long he got everything Song Qinghan ordered and then knocked on the door.

Yuan Wenxuan took over everything with a rather calm face, and then placed them all aside Song Qinghan in the bed.

Following the steps that Song Qinghan ordered, Yuan Wenxuan disinfected every tool. After that, Song Qinghan pursed his lips, struggling to semi-reclining backrest with his head leaning against the pillar, saying confidently, “Watch me! I will show you today how a doctor treat himself.”

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