chapter 89

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Those who showed a great interest to try something new purchased every single novelty in Song Qinghan’s shop after they found the great flavor of the lemon tea. They didn’t cost that much by the way. And if it turned out that all of them got a good flavor, they could come over again and purchase more. If it turned out that they didn’t, they could still purchase lemon pieces only.

As the sun was beaming high in the sky, the crowd in the alley started to dissipate gradually. Song Qinghan knew it was because people rushed back their home to have their lunch. Probably he should wait for one more hour for the next wave of customers.

Just at the moment he was about to poured himself a cup of lemon tea, two figures emerged all of a sudden in front of him.

It startled him that he almost spilt all the lemon tea in the cup, and then he muttered with astonishment, “What brings you here, lords?”

Old Zhu glanced at Old Man Gao with disdain, saying, “I’m here for purchasing something I need. As for him… Well, he’s just a nasty copycat and follows me along the way.”

Old Man Gao rolled his eyes, and then calmed himself down a bit, while saying seriously, “Nonsense! You’re the COPYCAT! I just walked before you and you followed me instead! Why are you being so cheeky and telling a lie?”

After he finished the last bit of his words, he took one step ahead, thundering, “Pack me every product in your shop for me!”

Song Qinghan nodded, but just at the moment he was about to pack, Old Zhu uttered in a leisurely tone, “I want two packs.”

Old Man Gao’s eyebrows sank, “THREE PACKS!”

“Four,” said Old Zhu peacefully, without even raising his face to look at Old Man Gao,

“FIVE!” roared Old Man Gao, with his eyes bulging fiercely.


“You nasty old man! Seven packs!” growled Old Man Gao.

Old Zhu laughed with a grinning face, and then he raised his eyebrows, saying, “Yes, you’re right. I will order seven packs, and you will get nothing.”

Well, it seemed that these two old men were coming here today for spreading their money. Song Qinghan wasn’t annoyed at all, but he would love to see how these two men fighting with each other.

Old Man Gao glanced at Song Qinghan, and then waved his hands, shouting as if he was about to show off his generousness, “I will acquire the half of your goods with one more pack in your shop.”

It seemed that this Old Man Gao was quite good at arithmetic. This old man figured out that if he could acquire half of the goods with one more pack in Song Qinghan’s shop, then it would be no chance for Old Zhu to get more than him. And then it was Old Zhu who sneered, and then cleared his throat, saying, “I want all stuff in your shop. Pack them all for me.”

Old Man Gao rolled up his sleeves as if he was going to fight. And then he pointed at Old Zhu on the nose, warning in a menacing tone, “I said it first! Why do you have to do something in opposition with me?”

“It’s me who came here first, and it’s you who did something in opposition with me!” Old Zhu snorted, and then stared at Old Man Gao with a condescending attitude.

Song Qinghan looked at the two who were on the verge of breaking out a fight. If these two old men kept clinging to quarrel here, it would be a bad thing if their family came over to find them, and then he hurried to urge the men, saying, “Lords, go back home now and have lunch. You can decide whether you want to purchase or not after your that. I am not able to move my shop anyway, you can come here at any time.”

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