chapter 69

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Wu Decai smelt a rat, he then moved to the carriage, while being a brown nose to the chieftain, saying, “Chieftain, I am with you! I am in the same team with your husband and I had protected him several times in this trip…”

And then suddenly, he grasped the cloth of Yin Laosan and dragged him over before he finished his words.

Screaming, Yin Laosan thought he would again be suppressed by this evil man, but only to find that he was held up and was whirling in the air and then fell into a warm embrace.

On the other side, Wu Dahu witnessed that Wu Decai was just split into pieces, he got his blood frozen all of a sudden.

Well, this chieftain seems to be more ferocious than Wu Decai!

Yin Laosan didn’t notice the miserably fatal punishment to Wu Decai. His attention was all attracted to his beloved, the one he had all eagerness to see. Just at the moment when he realized that the warmth on chest was real, he got his eyes red-rimmed, saying in a choking tone, “Why do you just arrive?”

The chieftain smiled slightly, stretched forth to comb Yin Laosan’s hair and then slowly helped him wipe the tears off, saying softly, “Aren’t you the one who abandon me the first? Don’t you know how powerful you are? If you really don’t want me to find you, I am not able to find any trace of you even I can make it to search around the whole world.”

Recalling the days he had been through, Yin Laosan couldn’t resist but bury himself into the chest of the chieftain and then burst into crying.

Those bandits stared at each other again with awkwardness, as if they were all pretending to be blind to the scene full of affection. Well, it can be predicted that this gang of bandits is much well-trained though.

Laifu still struggled to resort to get Wu Dahu untied there, and finally he succeeded in untying it. At the next moment when he raised his head to take a glance at the chieftain, he couldn’t help but whisper to Wu Dahu, saying, “Why do I feel that this chieftain is hostile to us?”

As for the fact, Wu Dahu had discerned it out in the very beginning even without Laifu’s reminding.

Though Yin Laosan seemed to have a good relationship with the so-called chieftain, that didn’t mean that he and Laifu were totally safe now. In this case, Wu Dahu walked to the carriage expressionlessly, while speaking to the group of bandits in a low voice, “Since we’ve got everything settled, we will leave now.”

The chieftain didn’t say anything. It was Yin Laosan who took the initiative and then he raised his head, saying, “Let them escort you. Otherwise, what if you encounter another group of beasts again? You two can’t handle it at all. Can you?”

It seemed that the last words Yin Laosan spoke was to get the chieftain informed. How he spoke was just like a spoiled child but with decision at the same time, as if he was sure that the chieftain would surely promise.

The chieftain took a glance at Wu Dahu and Laifu, and then delivered them a smile of evil sense, smiling slightly and saying, “Since you guys have come here, why don’t you think about visiting us in our stockaded village? Are you looking down upon us?”

Though the chieftain said that with such a plain tone, Laifu could draw a conclusion that as long as they dared to refuse his invitation, he and Wu Dahu would surely be split into pieces either just like Wu Decai.

Wu Dahu frowned slightly, answering firmly, “If you don’t mind, chieftain. We will be honored to get invited by you. Well, we will take a rest in your village and then keep on our trip back home.”

It seemed that Yin Laosan became dizzy with the excitement of the reunion, he failed to find out the undercurrents among the three. On the contrary, he thought the chieftain was just being thoughtful. With excitement, he smiled big.

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