chapter 53

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The producing methods of seasoning varied yet they came with a same principle. For one method was to bask them in sunny days, for the another was to dry them over a fire.

However, both the cumin and black pepper were in a particulate shape and with a large quantity. It was not until the sunset did this couple shift the fruits’ original looks into the finished product of the real seasoning.

By dint of the rather pungent smell, it was quite hard for Wu Dahu to conceive any wonderful words to describe the so-called superb flavor these two fruits would deliver.

It happened that Song Qinghan was ready for cooking right away. And in order to surprise Wu Dahu with the magic blend of cumin and black pepper, Song Qinghan strung all the meat which had been cooked to be softened with several bamboo sticks, and then put them on fire to roast.

Cumin could be sprinkled on the meat directly but the black pepper had to be ground into powder first.

Fortunately, Song Qinghan had asked Laifu to purchase a pestle and a mortar back in advance.

He asked Wu Dahu to put the black pepper into the mortar and use the pestle to pulverize them into powder. With that procedure finished, Song Qinghan scooped up several of the powder on the spoon and then sprinkled them evenly on the roasting meat.

The bear meat, while giving off a smell of temptation with the blend of star anise, garlic, onion and ginger, now delivered a more lip-smacking smell which would definitely make people be compulsive and crazy.

Wu Dahu couldn’t help but drool, swallowing a bit there.

Smiling big, Song Qinghan handed one of the kabobs to Wu Dahu, and then explained while Wu Dahu was taking a first bite of it, “This one is with cumin, and this one is with black pepper. How do they taste?”

With eyes wide open, Wu Dahu was chewing the meat in enjoyment. Gobbling down the meat quickly, he pointed at the one with cumin on, exclaiming, “That one with cumin tastes divine! Combined with the seasoning, the meat is the best. I have never tasted something in such a way with that superb flavor.”

After that, he picked up another kabob in hands which was covered with black pepper powder. Pondering for a while after taking a bite of it, he said, “Since I tasted the one with cumin on, I can’t taste the actual flavor of this with black pepper. But I can tell it should be tasted good too.”

Song Qinghan nodded as if he agreed with what Wu Dahu said. It would be tasted better on the meat with cumin than the one with black pepper, thought he.

Meat with cumin was just the most excellent and incomparable blend in the planet!

As soon as he finished roasting all the kabob in hands, he placed all of them in a plate, and then spoke to Wu Dahu, “This meat has been hard-boiled in advance, so it comes with lower level of heat. Go and get some lettuce and wash them clean. Ask Aye to eat the meat with lettuce together.”

Wu Dahu then asked in hesitation, “Eat the vegetable raw directly? Doesn’t it have to be boiled?”

Being questioned like that, Song Qinghan waved his hands, saying, “It’s totally fine with that. Or you just go and get it now, we have to have our dinner too by the way.”

It seemed that people here in this ancient time didn’t like to eat lettuce at all, because they thought that the lettuce looked so much plain and tasted without any strong flavor. And also, it wasn’t like other vegetables which possessed a flavor of freshness and sweetness. In this case, they planted lettuce only to feed poultry.

Song Qinghan wouldn’t think of trying the lettuce if it was in his casual time. But since he got cumin for a better flavor, the image of how the lettuce would just entertain his tongue was just making him drool.

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