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Logically speaking, the process of applying medicine on an open wound would not be that kind of easy for a man to endure, and the great pain stimulated by that would totally the injured one rather sober in mind. Not sure if the mixed-race man was too exhausted or what, he fainted right away which was totally beyond their expectations. It was Hualian who made the ginseng soup and pinched the man’s throat feeding him one spoon after another.

Probably Song Qinghan was still worried over the man’s fate if he was brought back right now, he did not let Dagou and Ergou to take the mixed-race man away, but just said, “If you’re going to move him right now, what I have done probably will be spoiled as his wound cracks open again. So if you don’t mind, please stay here temporarily, and wait until he’s getting better. If you are eager to go back right now, please act at your convenience, and you can come get him days later.”

They got nothing else to do in that village if they went back now. Furthermore, Song Qinghan’s house was huge and spacious. They wouldn’t get such a chance to live in such a big house in their whole lives if they did not cherish this opportunity. So these two nodded without hesitation, and said, “Take it easy, take it easy. Cure him first!”

Song Qinghan nodded and asked Hualian to bring them to an unused and empty room, and at the next moment he glanced at Lu Sen, and then he raised his eyebrows and said, “How about you? Are you going to settle down here for few days too?”

Lu Sen hurriedly waved his hand and said embarrassedly, “Well, no need for that, actually I…”

He hesitated for a moment and noticed that Song Qinghan wasn’t showing any impatience on face at all, and then he loosened his shoulders as if he had removed preparedness, while saying pitifully, “Actually I did encounter similar case before, but that kid just died…”

“Well.” Song Qinghan sounded thoughtfully, and then led Lu Sen to the wayside pavilion outside in the yard. They sat on the wooden bench within the pavilion, and Song Qinghan reached out to pour two cups of tea, while motioning Lu Sen to continue.

Lu Sen fixed his gaze in front but stared at nowhere, he tried to memorize and then slowly said, “I grew up with that kid together, well, he possessed a bigger shape than his peers since he was a child even though he didn’t get enough food to eat. All I know about his background is that he was an orphan himself and was adopted by my old neighbor.”

It was obvious that this was the first time he mentioned this topic to someone, so what he said got not much coherence. Seemingly he was just speaking out what just occurred to him in his mind.

“His nature was too kind, he got a good temper and he rarely got annoyed even he was teased by the other kids. He loved to be a leader and lead a group of children to climb mountains searching for wild fruits or climb trees to seek bird eggs.”

“Later on, he gradually grew up as a big guy while his appearance changed a lot. He looked so different from us while his look was able to scare the others.”

“And I was not sure if the news about how he looked was leaked and spread. Those who possessed a similar look with him would come for him. Some of them seemingly wanted to kill me once they saw me, but all of them were blocked by him.”

Song Qinghan nodded. Though he knew it wasn’t a good habit to interrupt, he still couldn’t help but ask, “Why did they look for him? To bring him away?”

Lu Sen let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. “Up until now, I couldn’t figure out what they were talking about. I only know that not long after that, the kid was arrested by the official runners and was accused of treason being a spy.”

“I heard that when he was caught, the runners got a letter which was fully written with border region secrets from his cloth. But I know that he couldn’t even read a word…”

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