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‘Stop before going too far’, Song Qinghan definitely knew this principle himself, so he nodded, “Your Majesty, you’ve got a noble identity of dignity, probably it is countable by only fingers to count the frequency you have bent to someone else. Yet, he who walks on bare foot is not going to be afraid of the ones who get shoes, I mean, being mercy is always the only way out to gain more friends.”

Noticing that Song Qinghan was still bothering by his so-called ‘principle’, the Imperial Noble Consort got his expression even more sullen, he took up the tea cup again and took a sip, trying to cover up the great grievance hidden in his eyes.

Hening looked at the Fifth Prince who was showing a confusion on face, and then he delivered a wry smile, saying, “It’s your turn now.”

The Fifth Prince intended to imitate the Imperial Noble Consort by saying the same words, yet at the next moment he found both Hening and Song Qinghan were staring at him at the same time, he felt a bit frightened suddenly for some reasons, and then uttered reluctantly after a short while of dither, “I shouldn’t take advantage of power to bully you, I will make a self-inspection myself.”

To his surprise, Song Qinghan didn’t bother to deliver a lecture like he delivered to the Imperial Noble Consort. “Alright then.” Song Qinghan sounded.

Noticing that Hening and Song Qinghan had already at the gate and were about to leave, the Fifth Prince politely made a bow in a respectful way to the Imperial Noble Consort, and then rushed out to follow.

“Hey, why didn’t you give me a lecture like you gave to the Imperial Noble Consort? Were you afraid that it would offend me or not?”

Song Qinghan glanced at him strangely, he never expected that out there in this world someone would be that eager for an unpleasant statement, he smiled and uttered, “Well, what am I afraid from you? You’re just a lowly prince who just escaped from the misery fate to marry barbarians for your luck. Yet you won’t be that lucky in your entire life anyway, you’re doomed to be banished, oh sorry, to marry the minority nationalities.”

“As for why I didn’t deliver a ‘lecture’ to you, of course I showed no interest on you and don’t expect you to be better. It’s good for you to keep your personality yourself, keep your nature, and naturally there definitely will exist someone ahead to punish you anyway.”

After that, he followed up in behind of Hening without showing any interest to linger and get a further conversation with the Fifth Prince. And then two of them got onto the carriage. The image of the dreadfully silent imperial chambers gradually faded away in sight.

The Fifth Prince was left alone there. He clenched his fists with the emotions in his eyes changed. His mind was filled with nothing but unfathomable emptiness as if he was just kicked by someone in the head.

On the other side, Song Qinghan burst out into laughter holding his stomach while the carriage slowly left the palace.

Since he finally got out of the palace now, he could laughed as loud as he could because there would be no eye on them keeping watch.

Staring at Song Qinghan who was laughing bending forward and backward, Hening delivered a faint smile in indulgence, “Is that so fun? Have you vented all your anger yet?”

Song Qinghan nodded like a chicken pecking on rice and said excitedly, “Although it didn’t cause any substantial impacts to them, it’s really exciting to see them suffer emotionally. Well, such people like them should be punished mentally rather than physically!”

Probably the Imperial Noble Consort would never feel any grievance if his position was to be threatened, instead he would just be much more inspired. Yet if his momentum was to be weakened by the external force, that would totally be the cruelest treatment for someone like the Imperial Noble Consort who got the noble dignity.

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