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The winner of the first bid didn’t get any strange movements as soon as the result was announced. And Shuluo came to praise with envy, “What a wealthy man he is, it seems that he still wants to bid more even he just made a hundred-golden-coins deal!”

Song Qinghan remained his calmness there without any expression, because he definitely knew the fact that money indeed reined anywhere and any time.

The auction was still on. When the second item appeared, Song Qinghan didn’t get any exaggerated expressions at all. Yet after the man on stage made a detailed introduction about it, he couldn’t help opened his mouth slightly while his eyes were filled with astonishment.

“Everyone of you must have known the fact that the Northern minority nationalities intruded our territory. And the second item is nothing else but the distribution map of the Yueya Tribe. Well, I don’t think I need to explain more about such a gadget and you should know the meaning of it, right? Now, start bidding. The basic price of it is two hundred golden coins!”

There was a slight commotion at the scene. It seemed that everyone had a relatively large dispute about this auction item. However, no one dared to speak out to express their inquiry now after the misery of that man.

Shu Luo rolled her eyes and when he noticed that all the men in black were blocked by the other people, he slowly approached to Song Qinghan and whispered, “That must be their tactic to make the silver snake as the first item. In that case, no one dares to inquire of anything more. Furthermore, it’s impossible for them to prove authenticity of that map.”

Song Qinghan shared the same thought with him, so he didn’t bother to say something in retort. After a while of silence, he raised his head to stare at the second floor thoughtfully.

If Shuluo did not get his eyes blurred just then, there should be a ‘barbarian’ right now on the second floor. Would this ‘barbarian’… attempt to acquire this map?

Or, maybe he came here just for the map!?

However, if that was the case, it was enough to show that the owner of the auction arena did get a great power himself. He was even able to get a map which was difficult for the ‘barbarians’ themselves to acquire.

After the discussion subsided, the bidding officially started. Unlike the last round, the number of bidders in this round had obviously increased.

If the map was a real map revealing the authentic situation of the ‘barbarians’, it was not only beneficial to the ‘barbarians’ themselves, but also to the residents in Qingmu Region.

In a smaller picture, owning this map meant a chance to get a position or promotion in official state. On the other hand in a bigger picture, probably this map would be the most crucial key to reverse the current situation of the war, which meant that he who got the map would totally control the destinies of both sides and thus managed to gain more benefits from it.

Song Qinghan sighed softly and shook his head inexplicably.

He wasn’t inflexible to think that one needed to hand such a fate-of-country-related gadget to the country instead of giving it to the outsiders. After all, who suffered the most from the war were indeed the commoners, and as the time went by, the auction would be forced to shut down either without the support of a integrate country. Moreover, all the wealthy bidders who frequently visited here would conceive of a life of being a fugitive.

Shu Luo didn’t think so deeply like Song Qinghan did. Instead, he just stared at those bidders with his pair of envious eyes, and then he mumbled, “If someone who nurses an evil ambition gets it, will the world be divided into three parts in the future?”

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