Chapter 14

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When Wu Dahu didn’t bring Song Qinghan up the mountain, he was a good hunter.

Before Song Qinghan woke up, he had already hunted and brought back a wild roe deer .

This roe deer weighed five kilograms, enough for them to eat for a while.

He cut off the most tender part of the roe deer’s flesh and strung them with bamboo slips, and put them on fire.

When the meat was about to be roasted, he sprinkled a little bit of ginger slice and chopped green onions. Combining with these two ingredients, the meat gave off a seductive odor.

Song Qinghan got up following the odor and coincidentally met Wu Dahu.

Staring at Song Qinghan’s lips, Wu Dahu somehow felt a bit guilty. He coughed dryly and handed the bowl over, saying calmly, “I have roasted the meat for you.”

It should be all blamed to the honey which arose his desire for the spicy and hot flavor as an after-effect. So as soon as he saw the meat, nothing could stop him picking up the strings of meat and eating.

Seeing that Song Qinghan was looking at him, Wu Dahu reached out and took a string of meat, having it slowly.

Song Qinghan was straved, he was focus on the food and didn’t even notice that Wu Dahu didn’t finish one after he finished five.

It was not until the tenth string that Song Qinghan swept away the hunger and then asked in his curiosity, saying, “What meat is this? The meat is so fresh and tender.”

Before the answer uttered from Wu Dahu, it was beef which fist came to Song Qinghan’s mind. However, in this ancient time, the cattle was used only for tilting but not for food. In that guess, he excluded the answer.

Wu Dahu didn’t say anything. But he directly led Song Qinghan into the kitchen and pointed at the unprocessed flesh, saying, “A wild roe deer, it’s a big one. There’s no need to buy any meat these days.”

Song Qinghan’s eyes lit up. He couldn’t help but show his excitement, but later another realistic problem occurred, he asked considering the storing issue, “If we just set it here, won’t it be rotten?”

After thinking for a while, Wu Dahu asked tentatively, “Then we take it for sale?”

Although Song Qinghan was also eager for money, he wouldn’t want to sell these stuffs for which Wu Dahu indefatigably strove. Instead, he would prefer to trade something easy-to-acquire.

Wu Dahu came to a silence for a while noticing that Song Qinghan didn’t react and rolled up his sleeves, preparing to chop off the rest of the flesh.

Song Qinghan stopped him and asked, “What are you gonna do? We won’t be able to have these all tonight.”

Wu Dahu posted a gesture to show his confidence about what he was going to do, saying, “I’m going to make it into dried meat. It will be soft to cook when we want to eat. Moreover, it can be stored for a quite long time. Don’t worry about it.”

Hearing that, Song Qinghan finally calmed down. He suddenly recalled the illicium verums he had air-cured outside, and then he suggested, saying, “Let’s add some spices to salt. It will be more delicious.”

By saying that, he walked out and put away the dried illicium verums and put them into a big bowl together with garlic, onion and ginger, which Wu Dahu had taken back previously.

Wu Dahu looked at the seasonings with some embarrassment and said hesitantly, saying, “You should turn over the grilled meat nonstop. How can we deal with these? Put them on the meat directly? It would be easy for the small-sized ones, but it would be more troublesome when it applies to bigger sizes.”

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