Chapter 1 : Lost Memories

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Errissa's Pov

A ringing inside my ear woke me up, in addition to my head throbbing painfully.

"Argh..." I grumble before I open my eyes only to see myself lying on a cold hard floor.

"Where in the world am I?" I mumble as I look around. I found myself wearing a classic green Victorian-style dress? Why am I wearing something like this? Was I cosplaying or something?

Looking around I am laying in a cold marble stone with a peculiar mark on the ground and an ancient tattered book in front of me. The book is emitting some kind of... smoke? Why is this book emitting smoke?

I tried touching the book, it was too hot for me to handle. But more importantly... where in the world am I? Did I audition in some kind of play?

Before I can even stand up from my sitting position, to investigate, furthermore. The closed-door in the far corner of this semi-lit room burst open, as light flooded the whole room blinding me temporarily.

"There she is! Capture this vile woman!" An unfamiliar voice shouted as I felt someone push me on the floor and tie my hands behind my back.

"W-wait! What is going on??" I exclaim in panic as I try wriggling out of their grasp. But their painful hold of me is ceasing me from budging even an inch.

"You wretched woman... Do you think you can escape your punishment from hiding in this place?" A cold harsh voice spoke that made my spine shiver from just hearing the hatred dripping in his voice.

I can feel myself shivering from feeling the hatred glare that he is giving me. I can't even see what the guy looks like since at least two knights are holding me down.

Just what in the world is going on???

I only woke up to this place and I'm being accused of being vile?? I don't even know who am I? I can't recall even my name and I'm already being treated like this???

Can someone explain this situation to me?!

"Take her away. Make sure she won't escape this time."

"As you wish your highness."

Your highness?? A prince?? What did I do to anger a royalty??

Brain!! Why can't you recall anything?!




After being tied up in a tight rope and being dragged away from the place I woke up. I am now currently kneeling down in front of five individuals who are all staring at me intensely.

I am still currently tied up, both my wrist and my ankles are aching from the strong rope that they used.

I am going to assume we are currently somewhere in the imperial palace. The sole reason why I know this is because I overheard this from the knights that were escorting me.

I wasn't aware of what the place looked like outside since they have blindfolded me and even gag my mouth to prevent me from asking any questions. But given my experience in reading stories about this kind of theme and playing otome games, I am a hundred percent sure that this place is glamorous.

"Do you recognize why you are being treated like this?" The cold tone of the Prince asks, as I continue staring at the carpeted floor.

They have already removed my gag earlier the moment they forcefully made me kneel in front of them. But I wasn't responding to any of the insults or questions they have thrown me earlier. Since I haven't fully processed everything that is happening right now.

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