Chapter 17 : Uneasy Feeling

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What happened back then made me feel uneasy... it felt like I am missing something important. But what is it?

"Is there something wrong?" Brother Rian asks as I let out a sigh.

I glanced at him as I place my chin on my right hand while I stir my tea with the other.

We are currently inside his office. They have finally allowed me to step out of my room. Since I was intrigued about what his office looked like, I decided to tag along with him. And now, I am currently sitting on the couch in his office while eating these delicious snacks and drinking tea.

"It's just... can I ask what kind of person the Duchess was?" I ask the question that has been bothering me.

It's already been five days since I received that gift and ever since, I have been dreaming about her voice, a blurry memory, and... the necklace.

"..." I watch as his body flinches in surprise. He lowers the documents he was holding as his face turned serious.

"She... She was a charming woman, a gentle mother, and an outstanding Duchess."

He began as he shifted his gaze in the cold tea in front of him.

"Mother... She is someone warm, yet someone that you can't read easily," he said with a fond look in his eyes.

"Do you think she is still... alive?"

My brother stared at me after hearing my question.

"I hope so... if she was, then maybe father would be different," he answers softly as he picks up his teacup.

"Was he different than the way he is now?"

"Yes, he is a bit more... stable back then. Now, he became much more workaholic and his emotion have been much more erratic,"

"What do you mean by that?" I tilt my head from his comment as he let out a chuckle.

"Nevermind that. How about we go and take a walk around the garden? Today is such lovely weather, don't you agree?"

I almost drop the cookie I was holding from his sudden change of tone. He was just serious a moment ago and now he has this light atmosphere?

"But, I'm not allowed to go out of the manor. Have you forgotten about my situation, brother?" I said as I took a bite of the cookie.

Oh! This is good!! Should I ask him if I can take some with me back to my room? I want to share this with Sara. I'm sure she will like this.


Hmm? Why did he suddenly become quiet? I shift my attention back to him and saw him looking at me with such... hurt? Or was it pity?

Huh? Did I say something wrong?

I tilt my head to the side as I stare at him. He then let out a sigh as he stands up from his seat and walks towards me.


He suddenly offers his hand to me as he stares at me expectedly.

I accept it as he pulls me up to stand up before he wipes away the crumbs on my face.

"No one would dare to say something if I am the one who is escorting you. Therefore you just need to relax and enjoy the scenery outside, alright?" he said that made me confused.

What is he saying right now??





I finally grasp what he meant back then...

All eyes are on us as he escorts me all the way to the garden, where gardeners are tending the flowers.

"Brother... can we go back now?" I quietly mutter as I glance down at the path we are working on.

I can't even enjoy the scenery since I'm too focused on the way they are observing me.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

I can feel my heart thumping loudly inside me as my breathing is becoming shorter. My hands are turning a bit cold as their whispers began swirling around me.

I need to go back inside... I want to go back...


Is there somewhere here where I can hide? I... I need to go back...

"How shameless..."

*Bathump! Bathump!*

"Errissa," I felt someone stroke my face as they made me look up at them.

"Focus on me," my brother's voice is soothing which helps me calm down a bit.

"Come and take a deep breath," he said as I took a deep breath before leaning more on his hand.

"All of you leave us," I heard him order before I heard the shuffling of feet as the area become quieter.

"Don't worry, they are gone now. Your knights are waiting near the entrance," he whispers as he looks at me with such tender eyes.

"T-thank you," I mutter as I keep on taking deep breathes.

Since when did going outside become this difficult for me...?

The more we walk away from that spot, the more I can feel myself relaxing. And then...

"Wow....!" I exclaim in surprise the moment I see the center of the garden.

There standing in the middle, surrounded by colorful flowers is a beautiful water fountain. A blurry memory flashed through my mind after seeing the refreshing scene.

"This place is where we always play around back then," I heard my brother says as he stares at the crystal clear water.

"This place must be special to us then?"

"Yes, mother, also like exploring this place with you. Whenever we visit the capital, she always brings you here first before resting inside. I thought after seeing this. You might regain some memories,"

"...I see."

He really must care greatly for Errissa. From all the time I've spent getting to know him, he shows such care for me and treats me gently. Not only that, but he treats us, Lianne and me, equally. For him, I am not a criminal that has tried to poison his sister twice, but instead, I am nothing but his little sister.

Why is he like this? If he shows such care to her, then why did Errissa turn out to be a villainess in the end? Just... What was their relationship before? Did he treat her the same way he treated me now? Or is he treating me like this because I lost my memories? Is he just taking advantage of my current situation to rewrite their relationship?

Is that it?

I glance at him as he continues to tell me memories, no... stories of them in the past. How can I know that everything he said is all real? What if... he is just creating these stories as make-believe?

Why am I doubting him this much? Is it because... I feel jealous that Errissa has this kind of brother? And I don't?

I don't know... Should I just forget all these worries and enjoy this present while it last?

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