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You pushed the doors of the hospital open. You could hear the policeman behind you closing in fast. You finally reached the outside world.
„Get her! She's the killer, “ you heard him yell. You just kept running.
„Stop right there or I'm gonna shoot! “
You didn't stop. The cop shot 3 times but you created a thunder Shockwave with your quirk to stop the bullets before they could hit your body.
You ran towards a crowd of people pushing them out of the way with your quirk.
The police man was still chasing you, yelling at the people to stop you from running away. But before anyone could grab you, you already pushed them out of your way.
„Villain on the run, call the pro heros!“
Villain? So they really thought you were one of them huh?
You used your quirk to blast yourself in the air, leaving a spot of broken concrete behind.
You flew a few meters through the air, then you landed on the ground and rushed in a small side road.
You felt someone grab you and drag you into a dark corner. You wanted to scream but you felt a hand cover your mouth.
Then you saw the cop who chased you run by. You looked up to whoever just saved you.
It was a blonde girl, maybe a few years younger than you. She looked like one of these cute high school girls from a TV show.
„What? Why did you do this? “
She just jumped up and gave you a creepy smile.
„Hi, I'm Himiko Toga, “ she said and helped you up.
„I am y/n, “ you introduced yourself. „But why the heck did you save me from those cops? “ She just laughed. „Have you ever heard of league of villains? “ You kept thinking for a while. „Well, there was a short report about them on TV. But most people seem to be more interested in the hero killer Stain.“
She nodded. „And that's exactly why we need you, a villain with a flashy and dangerous quirk.“
„Villain? Well I've killed someone and that's why I am wanted by the police, but I wouldn't consider myself to be a villain since I spent almost my whole life locked up behind some doors, I could never do any villain things....“
„Well you killed someone, right? Did you hesitate? Any regrets?“
You shook your head. „No to both.“
„Well you're one of the cold blooded kind then, I begin to like you                y/n-Chan. Besides I was hoping that a new girl joins us soon, so I can have a Bestie. And I also think that our leader can make good use of you. “
„No thank you, I'll pass then. I just got my freedom. I really don't need another person using me for anything.“ „Well, it's either us or the cops, I'll let you decide, “ Toga said.
You kept your silence for a second.
„Well, I guess I'll join you then. Whatever the league can serve me will be better than jail I guess. “
Toga nodded heavily.
„Okay, follow me then. I will bring to our quarters.“
You kept walking behind the girl. You were walking through dark small streets, always looking over your shoulders to make sure nobody was following you.
Then Toga opened the back door of one of the buildings and got in.
Now you stood in a small corridor that was lightened by only a few lamps.
Out of nowhere a person wrapped in some kind of purple matter appeared.
It was that warp villain! You recognized hin from TV.
„Hey Kurogiri! I'm back and look who's with me! This is y/n, a cold blooded killer and newest member of the league of villains! “
You shyly smiled at him.
„Does Shigaraki already know about her?“
„Well not yet, since we just got here. “
„Then sit her down at the bar, I'll get him.“
Toga nodded and grabbed your wrist. „W-what is going on here, “ you asked confused as Toga sat you down on a chair.
„It's pretty simple, before you can be a member of the league Shiggy has to approve it, since he's our leader. And you need to prove your loyalty."
You nervously bit your lip.
Then Kurogiri came into the room, followed by a weird but also kinda sexy looking dude.
That is him.
Tomura Shigaraki....

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now