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Dabi had locked you in his room over the night.
„Hell no! You're not gonna fucking leave me alone just like that! Who the fuck do you think you are?"
He had said and pushed you back in the sheets.
He was surprisingly touchy as well.
He had tried his best to keep you from moving away from him all the time.
„Promise me to never leave me alright?"
He whispered in your ear.
His voice sounded shaky almost like he was about to cry.
„Bit what about what I did... I'm talking about -"
He cut you off.
„Yuriko is my crazy ex. Stop caring so much about her and more importantly... Stop bringing her up all the time... I know I treated you shitty because of her and what you did... But I guess the whole thing was just really overwhelming.... The truth is that I am over her. At least romantically... And I also like you way better. Just that you know."
He turned you around to make you look at him.
„And when you get insecure the next time... Just talk to me alright?"
You nodded and he gave you a smile before he bended down to kiss your forehead.
You blushed but didn't try to hide your face.
You just got closer to him and used the chance to dig your face into the crook of his neck.
Dabi felt your hot breath run down his neck while he had his hair in your hands.
His body slightly tensed up.
Then he moved back a little.
He gave you an apologetic smirk and ruffled your hair.
„I'm alright.. Just wanna keep up the right mood if you understand what I mean."
You gave him an offended look but he just wrapped the blanket more around you and forced you to lay down again.
He stared at you for a while until he laid down next to you again but he still kept the intense eye contact.
„How about you tell me your deepest darkest secret?"
He asked.
It came really suddenly and you weren't exactly prepared for that question either.
„Why do you wanna know?"
He gave you a playful smirk.
„Just because... I just want to get to know a whole new y/n."
You concidered what you should say. What even was your deepest darkest secret?
„Or don't you trust me enough?"
He teased.
„Of course I trust you you dumbass... So... I'll tell you."
A moment of silence. Then you started talking.
„So.. My deepest darkest secret is that... I... The reason I even got into the league is that I... I had family problems and... I ended them in a maybe kinda messed up way... And yea... That's it... My deepest darkest secret... Because I actually never told anyone about my family..."
You looked at each other for a second.
„Well you're truly not the only one with family problems."
He chuckled.
He wasn't wrong tho. Dabi had never ever lost a word about his family so you actually already assumed a few times that he wasn't too comfortable talking about the topic.
„But I actually expected something not as dark."
He said.
„What the fuck you literally asked me for my deepest darkest secret!"
You responded and snapped your finger against his forehead.
„My bad... Actually wanted to know about your darkest twisted fantasy."
He let out a chuckle.
You just looked at him for a second not sure what to say.
„Y-you can't just come for me like that! First you obviously wanted me to dump some trauma and now you want me to tell you some horny shit?!"
He let out another chuckle.
„What if so?"
He asked and moved so he would be directly above you.
Only centimeters separating your faces.
His hair was hanging down and he directly looked into your eyes.
You felt how your face heated up when he slightly kicked his top lip.
„What do you say? You're with me or not?"
He got down from you and pulled off his shirt.
You froze up when you heard the knock on the door.
The person outside didn't bother to wait for an answer and just walked in.
It was no other than Tomura Shigaraki himself.
When he saw Dabi standing there shirtless in front of you he also completely froze.
„Man you have no idea of right and wrong timing, right?"
Dabi huffed at him.
He slightly looked down Dabis chest and suddenly looked even more irritated.
„Why did you even get in here in the first place? Not like you wanna join in our something right? Cause if so sorry to disappoint but this is a two people session."
You tried to hide your face behind the blanket and felt how you blushed more and more out of embarrassment.
„I just wanted to drop that off at your room.. It was still in the kitchen."
He dropped a worn down phone charger to the ground and left the room without losing another word.
„What a mood killer... Anyway where were we?"
You slowly lowered the blanket again.
„At the part where you wanted to lie down with me and hold me close until I pass out in your arms. Nice nip piercings by the way."
He shook his head and dropped down next to you.
„Alright then... But I'll get my spice soon.."
He grabbed you and twirled your hair around his fingers and held you close to his chest.
Just like before just with the little difference that you felt his bare skin this time.

Hey guys that's it for today x3
Sorry for teasing so much I know I'm mean O^O
Anyway just wanted to mention that you're very welcome to leave comments on my story 0w0
I just love reading them and I'm most likely to answer them <3
Also thought about fucking up my schedule a bit and just upload here and there whenever I finish a chapter but still with one update a week idk if I'm really gonna do it but wanted to let you know just in case I actually do <3

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