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Dabi leaned on the counter slurping his black coffee.
„There you are darling...
His voice still sounded kinda scratchy when he talked.
His gaze wandered up and down your body before he asked
„Where were you?"
„Just outside... Wanted to check what the weather is like before we make our way towards UA."
You lied.
„And what?"
„What's it like? The weather?"
He put his cup down and looked you straight in the eyes.
„It's... Alright."
You probably sounded super suspicious right now but at the same time you also didn't really give two fucks.
You grabbed your coffee and sat down at the opposite side of the table.
„Already existed for duty?"
He asked with a smirk knowing damn well that the last few times you hadn't paid much attention to the school because you were busy making out on a roof top.
You stretched your back until it cracked and responded
„You know..... Actually what ever the fuck you did to me this night was already a lot."
You got back to your coffee in a casual motion without looking at him.
He chuckled.
„As I said... Bad girls deserve punishment and you weren't exactly good were you?"
He also said that in a very casual way.
„I mean I knew that talking back wouldn't change shit so I better kept my mouth shut my darling."
You said in a rather seductive tone and grabbed his chin.
You held it in your right hand and softly traced his jawline with your fingers before you took it back to hold onto your coffee.
„You know I've got something coming for you."
He said and leaned over the table.
Spinner stood in the door frame and looked like he would definitely prefer to walk in on a different morning kitchen scene.
„Oh you know Dabi... He's always horny."
You said and softly slapped his cheek a couple times like a granny who was about to tell him that he can get a lemon bonbon that was most definitely at the bottom of her purse since 1978 because he has been such a good boy.
„If I'm not gonna die from self sacrifice it's definitely because you guys just messed up the spiritual energy surrounding me so bad that my heart will simply fucking stop beating."
He responded while walking up to the coffee maker to brew himself something.
„Well I hope you die then you stupid bitch!"
Dabi said and grabbed your jaw to pull you in for the most helluva boss horny French kiss Spinner ever needed to witness.

„You really need to that?"
You asked when Dabi and you were walking down the sidewalk disguised in black hoodies.
You had stolen his slipknot one and he seemed to be kinda pissed about it but it was big enough to hide all your gear underneath.
He did the back stretch arm around your shoulder move to pull you closer to his side.
„Well yes. I absolutely fucking did. For fucks sake am I not allowed to love my girlfriend anymore just because some bastard wants to occupy the kitchen to brew his morning coffee? I don't think so my darling."
You were getting closer to UA when you suddenly saw a short person in a pink hoodie and skirt run towards you.
They stopped and looked up to you.
It was Toga.
Blood was running over her face and glued her now red dyed bangs together.
„Shit shit shit fuck shit fuck what the hell happened to you?"
You grabbed her cheeks and made her look up to you.
She tried to get some air into her lungs
„Help-they're attacking us."
„Who?! Who for fucks sake?! And where is Twice?"
You asked.
„Endeavor and- and the bird guy. Twice is there holding them back while I'm here on my way to get help."
„Good news, reinforcements are here. We'll go there and help, you get back to the hideout and get spinner and Compress, k?"
You said and then looked over to Dabi who was just looking towards the direction of UA.
Toga ran away back to the hideout.
You stepped up next to Dabi and grabbed his wrist.
„Are you alright?"
You asked and looked upwards trying to make your gazes connect.
But they didn't.
When you started rushing towards UA you could see Dabi shaking and you wondered what was up with that.
Soon you hear noise from a little farther away and Dabi grabbed your shoulder as a sign for you to stop running.
„What? Twice probably needs our help right now."
You complained while Dabi put both of his hands on your shoulders and made you look at him.
„Darling before we go out there I want you to make a promise."
He said and you noticed that he was slightly worried but at the same time you felt a tension in his body that has never been there before.
You slightly nodded not breaking the eye contact.
„Promise me that if someone tells you to run you'll get your ass back to safety immediately, okay?"
He cupped your cheek with his hand and looked even deeper into your eyes.
You had no idea that was even possible.
„We both know that's not gonna happen."
You said trying to be sassy while still being absolutely fucking caught up in his gaze.
„I'm serious about this y/n. You will fucking run when someone tells you to."
He repeated.
You nodded trying not to be sassy at all anymore.
„Good. This is gonna be intense. I don't want you near me when I take on Endeavor."
He said and let go of you.
„Why not? Don't you think I could help?"
You asked and he turned away.
„I just don't want you to get hurt."
He said.
„And as I said... This will be intense because I want that motherfucker dead."
He said.
„What's up with  fixation on him huh? I get it he is our opponent but in the end he's just one more crappy hero am I right?"
„Maybe I'll tell you but right now is definitely not the time. I just held you back so you could make that fucking promise. Let's go now. Twice needs us."
He said while pulling off his hoodie.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and maybe I will finally be able to fix my schedule or at least something like that again

Alright alright definitely stay tuned for some new stuff because I really want to bring this story to an end because I have planned this out since fucking January when I decided how this is gonna end okay

Anywayzzzz c u soonz (hopefully)

Edit: just opened the app after one week and had 99+ notifications??
That's insane dude

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