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You woke up to Dabis snoring.
It sounded like he was choking, no wonder since his head was hanging off of the bed.
But he still somehow tried to hold on to you. This was officially the most uncomfortable sleeping position you had ever seen.
„Dabi, Dabi!"
You tried to wake him up.
He shrugged and pulled himself up.
„You were suffocating dummy."
„Thank you for saving my life then."
He responded and stretched his back.
„By the way, the sun already went down, that means we can go out now."
You said and both of you tried to get out of bed.
You opened the door and you walked into the hallway. Spinner stood right there and gave you a weird look.
„What's your problem scale-face?"
Dabi huffed and scratched his neck.
„Uh-uhm... I was just wondering... Well.. Uhmm, how do I ask this without sounding weird? Well, why exactly was y/n in your room? You guys didn't - "
„Oh my God Spinner!"
You cut him off.
„No, of course not. We were talking a nap together."
You explained and felt your face heat up.
You gaze met Dabis for a second and just as expected, he handed the situation pretty casual.
But now that you took a closer look at his messy hair and the slightly sideways slipped tank-top and also added the fact, that you probably didn't look any better, you could almost relate to Spinners misunderstanding.
„Taking naps together? Well, I'm not saying that this is not weird but-"
Dabi glared at him to sut him up, it worked.
„You two keep messing with my mind, I'll go and prey to Stain or whatever."
He turned around and disappeared down the hallway.
„Can't I just comfort my anxious friend without anyone thinking it's weird?"
He asked and rolled his eyes.
„I don't think that this is exactly the place where other try to relate a lot to you. They have their own opinions and that all that counts for them."
You responded.
„How about we just leave and you show me your old home already?"
Dabi suggested.
You smiled at him and gave him a sign to follow you.

You walked along the street that was framed with expensive mansions.
Some of their windows were still filled with light, most of them were already darkened.
You stopped and looked at a huge black and white house with a garden around.
It looked almost like when you used to live here.
„This is really it? And you ain't lying?“
Dabi asked and looked and you and back to the mansion.
You nodded.
„Yea, my mother used to have a lot of money, but I don't know where she got it from to be honest.“
He chuckled.
„I can't believe that you used to live such an expensive life style and now you live in one of the shittiest apartments in this city.“
You gave him a look.
„What? It's not like I had a choice. The police chased me for a murder and Toga dragged me in. So tell me, you son of a burnt ass bitch, how do you think should I afford to live like this after everything I've done?“
You answered and watched him scratch his neck while thinking.
„Didn't your mother leave you some of her money? I mean, you're her child after all.“
You shook your head.
„Honey, I killed my mother. And besides, she was a cursed slut herself and the last person to leave me anything. So no. In case she died, I was supposed to remain poor and unworthy of living a happy life.“
You looked back at the mansion, feeling a sudden anger rise in your chest.
Small lightnings started zizzeling around your fists. Dabi noticed and tapped your shoulder.
„Hey? Are you okay?“
He asked.
„I want to burn this whole place down and I want every memory to burn down with it.“
You mumbled without looking at him.
„Why wait then?“
You looked at him, his hand still lying on your right shoulder.
„I will burn it all to the ground for you, you just have to say it.“
You felt yourself drowning in his gaze and a warm, safe feeling started to rise in your chest, pushing the anger away.
„So what do you think?“
He asked, only waiting for your response.
„Yes, yes. Let's erase every single bit of this shit.“
You calmly hissed.
Dabi nodded and jumped over the fence.
You followed him.
He held his hand in front of his body and activated his quirk.
A huge pile of blue fire hit the front door.
Some flowers that were put in front of it immediately crumbled to ash.
Dabi let his flames light everything.
The garden. Burnt down.
The front door. Burnt down.
The windows. Shattered or covered in burn stains.
The interior. Burnt down.
The people inside. Burnt crispy.
„We should leave.“
Dabi mumbled in your ear.
You just stood there and watched the last pieces of the house getting eaten by the fire.
„Someone probably already called the firedepartment, we really gotta leave.“
Dabi pulled your sleeve, it knocked you back into consciousness.
„Yes... Yes we should.“
You took a deep breath and looked at the burnt remains of the mansion you used to live in.
„Thank you. Thank you for helping me erase this eyesore.“
You felt such a big relief, it almost made you fly.
„Well, you know I'm always down for a little arson. No problem.“
You just stood there for a few more seconds just smiling at each other. Then Dabi grabbed your wrist and started running, always pulling you after himself.
He jumped over the fence and ran down the street. He slightly twisted his head around to look at you.
Your eyes were lit up with joy and seeing you like that made him smile as well. A genuine smirk appeared on his lips as he watched you and seeing him like that also made you even happier.
„Dabi I-“
You were cut off.
„Don't talk, just run and follow me.“
His grip tightened around your wrist and he pulled you a bit closer to his side.
You nodded at him.
'Dabi, I just wanted to say that I'm impressed by you. You take my breath away with everything you do. It doesn't matter if it's how you comfort me when I'm not feeling well or if it's the way you just committed arson for me.... I really can't decide.'

Holy All Might! It's almost 30 chapters! That's some sick ass shitttt
If you want to read more I'd appreciate a vote for support <3
Love y' all and see you on Sunday ~

By the way, on Friday I will post the first chapter to my new Naruto book, feel free to check it out<3

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