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Toga sliced a cucumber with her knife and put it in a bowl.
„What are those for?“
You asked.
„For the eyes dummy! Don't tell me you never did such a thing before, you have flawless skin!“
You chuckled.
„Well to be honest... I haven't.“
„Okay, then this is your first. Doesn't matter. Let's get all of this to Twices room. Speaking of which... Where is he?“
Toga pushed the bowl into your hands and started looking around.
„Twwiiiicccee! Where are you?? Get your ass in the kitchen and prepare the other snacks, it's already getting late!“
Twice ran up the hallway.
„Coming! Coming!“
„Hurry up and get this over with.“
Toga responded strictly and pulled you after her.
Twice disappeared in the kitchen.

The door to Dabis room opened and a tall, elegant figure walked out of it.
Her long black hair framed her body perfectly as she took careful steps in the direction of the kitchen.
„Heyy Twice.“
She spoke in a seductive tone.
„Oh eah... Yuriko? What are you doing here?“
He asked and scratched the back of his neck.
„Oh, I spent the day over at Dabis... And what are you doing here?“
She asked and got closer.
„Oh well... Just preparing some more snacks for our skin care night.“
He shrugged and slapped his hands over his mouth as he realized what he just said.
„Oh, that sounds interesting, can I join?“
She asked.
Twice tried to cover it all up.
„Actually this is pretty much a league only thing.“

You were already in the dorm. Along you were a couple more members of the league.
You nervously picked your nails and tried to be not too conspicuous when you looked at Shigaraki, who sat across the toom.
'How the hell did these two idiots get him to join?'
You thought.
Suddenly the door opened up and you directly looked into Yurikos smirking face. On her left, slightly behind her, Dabi waited. On her right, Twice tried to squeeze himself into the room.
Yuriko whipped her hair over her shoulder and hit Twices face with it.
„Uhm? I think something's wrong with my eyes.“
You mumbled.
Toga stood up from her place next to you.
„Don't worry y/n-Chan. I will take care of this.“
She said and walked over to Twice.
„Twiceee? What is going on here?“
She got closer to him and hissed the words into the crook of his neck, standing on tip toes.
„Sorry Toga, I really tried. But after Yuriko heard of it she wouldn't want to let go of it. And she also told Dabi and after that, there was no way that I could get rid of her.“
Twice tried to apologize.
Yuriko walked in, pulling Dabi after her.
They sat down on the couch next to you.
„Twice-Sama, it's so nice that you've invited me, I really appreciate it.“
Yuriko chirped with a genuine smile.
„Ah ahaha, well... You're welcome.“
He scratched the back of of his neck.
'I can't believe that he let this bitch in and now gets flustered over her words...'
„Well, seems like we got a special guest today.“
Toga looked over the room and her eyes stopped at Yuriko.
She waved at everyone.
„So everyone grab a partner and the products you need.“
She continued.
„Dabi my love, will you be my partner?“
Yuriko cooed and gave him puppy eyes.
„Of course, whatever you wish.“
He responded.
„Dang, you're cringe.“
Twice mumbled under his breath.
Spinner sat with Compress and you hecticly looked around since you hadn't had a partner yet.
„Hey Toga, wanna team up?“
You asked.
„Sorry y/n-Chan. I'm already with Twice.“
She responded.
„Oh okay.“
They left and sat down in a corner of the room.
You sighed and your gaze met the floor. Suddenly you felt how someone tapped your shoulder.
„Hey y/n, do you perhaps... You know.“
It was Shigaraki.
You gave him a light smile and walked after him.
You sat down next to him and a moment of silence followed.
'Y/n-Chan look! I found this at the drugstore. It's for the skin care night! It'll be the perfect thing for Shiggys crusty eyes!'
You remembered Toga say.
„Uhm... Toga said this cream could help with your eyes.“
You pointed at a small can that looked familiar to you.
You picked it up and were about to give it to him when you saw how Yuriko was rubbing something onto Dabis scars.
You opened the can and put some of the cream on your finger.
„Can I?“
You asked.
He nodded. You carefully started putting it onto his face, trying to not poke your fingernail into his eyes.
„Thank you. Uhm... I think it's doing something.“
He said and opened his eyes.
You gave him a soft smile.
„Here, this is for dry lips, trust me, you need it.“
You giggled and picked up a chapstick.
Then you remembered that you were talking to your boss and your body suddenly tensed up.
„Are you okay y/n?“
He asked and slightly touched your arm to bring you back to reality.
„Oh yea yea, sorry.“
You apologized and looked down.
„You don't look like you're feeling well.“
Shigaraki said.
„Maybe you need this green stuff on your face to make you fell better.“
He grabbed a bowl with a face mask Toga mixed and slapped some of it directly onto your cheek.
You laughed.
„Why? This is for your face right?“
„Yes but-“
„See? So no problem with that.“
He immediately slapped on some more and spread it over your face.
You kept your mouth shut and just felt how Shigarakis fingers traced over your skin. His touches were softly, you actually couldn't believe that it was really the great Tomura Shigaraki, leader of the league of villains, putting a green, slimy face mask on you, softly caressing your cheeks.
„Damn I probably look so silly right now.“
You chuckled and looked down.
„No, no. I don't think so. You're actually really pretty. Doesn't matter if you have some green stuff on your face or if it's just you.“
He said.
'W-what? What did he just say? No, nonononononono. That's impossible.'
You looked up to him.
„You're beautiful y/n.“
He spoke.
„Uhm.. Thank you...“
You felt flustered.
For a second you just looked into each others eyes.
„Thank you.“
You meant it.
„You're also... Not ugly.“
He let out a chuckle and leaned towards you.
„Not ugly huh?“
He whispered into your ear.
You felt your cheeks heat up and in that moment you were glad that your face was covered.
„Now give me one of those silly slime things too, will you?“
He made you smile. Then you grabbed the bowl with Togas mask and started applying it on his face.
„Ew that's cold.“
He mumbled as you put the first bit on his left cheek.
„That's what I just went through, besides, you asked for it.“
You gently put another slap on.
„Yes, I asked for it.“
He whispered and closed his eyes to relax.
After a while you started to scrub it all off.
„Maybe this whole skin care thing isn't too bad after all.“
Shigaraki mumbled as you dried his face with a towel.
„Maybe you should do it more often then?“
You asked with a chuckle, looking down on his chapped lips.
You both smirked at each other.
„Okay everyone, it was nice having you, but I think we should call it a night.“
Twice announced, trying to kick the people out of his room.
„That's fine with me, thanks for having us Twice.“
Yuriko answered in a seductive tone.
And that was the time everyone left until it was just Toga and Twice.
„Don't worry, I'll help you clean this mess up.“
Toga said and picked up a few things.

Shigaraki walked you down the hallway to your room.
„Why did you do that?“
You asked.
„Just to be friendly I guess.“
He answered and looked down on you.
His gaze met yours once again.
He leaned down and softly kissed your lips.
„W-what was that for?“
You asked a little confused.
„I- I'm sorry, I think I wasn't supposed to do that.“
Shigaraki looked away.
You gave him a quick smile and grabbed his collar.
„I had a great time, thank you so much.“
You responded and kissed him the same way he just kissed you.
Then you let go and disappeared in your room.

1428 words! That is a long ass chapter right here, but I also needed something I could distract my mind with, so yee.
Definitely stay tuned for the next one and let me know if you want y/n to be Shiggys maybe girlfriend.
It was not in the original script but mayyybeee, well just let me know and I might think about, since I think that crusty man also needs some love <3<3<3

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt