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This chapter contains some graphic content, it will be written in thick letters so you can skip it if you don't feel comfortable reading
❗TW : SH❗

You pressed your forehead against the cold concrete wall of your room.
Your eyes were closed and your skin felt weird on your body. Just like it wasn't supposed to be on you like this.
Your ribcage was squeezing all your organs together and you felt like throwing up your guts any second.
You were down on your knees and your hand clenched around a small picture you had put on your wall with a needle.
It was a picture Toga took of you and Dabi.
You were almost out of the frame because he had tackled you to the ground and sat on your back smoking a cigarette.
That picture was taken after you've been to the laser tag together.
The fingernails of your left hand scratched over the wall and small dirt pieces got stuck underneath.
You took a deep breath in and slammed your head against the wall.

You did this a couple of times until there was a small blood stream running down your face.
tears were running down your face as you leaned back.

Your gaze went up to the ceiling and you felt how your emotions were taking away all the air inside your lungs.
'I hate it here.'
You wanted to scream it from the top of your lungs but remained silent.

You pulled your self back up on your feet again and looked at the window.
You opened it up and felt a soft breeze move your hair around as your stared into the night.
Your hand slowly moved down to the window sill where you had placed a knife you accidentally kept from Toga.
'I should probably give that back some time... I took it even before I had that thing with Shigaraki going on...'
You thought with a little smile on your face.
Then you took it and drew a line across your thigh.
Your thighs already had some scars from that time the pro heros busted into the old hideout and you landed in all that shattered glass.
Then you drew another one right beneath it.
Blood was running down your leg and you felt the sudden urge to cut even deeper.
As you laid the knife on your skin again a little smile formed in the corner of your mouth.
You drew one last line before you stopped.
You dropped the knife on the floor and blood splashed against the wall.
You sat down on your bed for a while and enjoyed the sort of inner peace the pain gave you.
After some time you felt how you started getting dizzy.
You took a shirt from your closet and pressed it on the cuts until the blood flow stopped.
You carefully removed it and put it away. You let out a sigh.

You changed into some black sweat pants and dropped the shorts you've been wearing on the floor.
You walked down tje corridor until you reached the kitchen.
Compress sat in there, drinking some coffee and reading yesterdays newspaper.
„Are you alright y/n?“
He asked and slightly tilted his head to the side.
„Looks like you've been crying.“
He noticed.
You just gave him a little smile before you began boiling some water to make yourself a cup of instant ramen.
Compress suddenly took his phone out and began recording a voice message.
„Hey Dabi, get your ass in the kitchen , something's wrong with your girlfriend.“
Your eyes widened.
A few seconds later Dabi came sliding into the kitchen.
He yelled your name and you turned around to face him.
„Alright, get these ramen and we're leaving. No talking back, you're coming with me now, princess.“
You were able to grab your ramen cup before Dabi grabbed you and carried you away.
He brought you all the way to his room and placed you on his bed.
„Eat your ramen.“
He demanded and looked down on you.
You opened your mouth to argue but he immediately cut you off.
„Eat them dumbass, I know it's gonna make you feel better.“
He dropped down next to you and continued speaking.
„In the mean time you can tell me what's wrong.“
You shoved some ramen in your mouth. They were unusually hard to swallow.
„Darling, you can tell me, don't you even worry a second.“
He laid one hand on your thigh.
You flinched a bit.
He suddenly removed his hand.
„Hey, what's wrong?“
He asked and seemed to be obviously worried.
You choked down some more ramen.
'I can't tell him... I can't tell him nothing...'
You thought while tears began to run down your face.
'I can't tell him about my insecurities... And most importantly about my actions...'
Dabi pressed you against his chest and let his chin rest on your head.
„Doesn't matter what it is, it's safe with me. But if you aren't ready to tell me, that's also fine.“
His breath ran through your hair and the feeling of it made your chest clench.
„I'm sorry... I'm sorry Dabi...“
You whispered against his chest, almost inaudible.
Dabi curled a strand of your hair around his finger and ran his fingers up and down your back.
He didn't hear what you said. You both just remained silent as he continued to pat your back.

So that was it for today!
Sorry for the darker stuff, hope you still enjoyed reading <3
See y'all soon and don't forget to vote <3

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