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„Eyedrops, a fuzzy sweater and some pocky sticks for my lovely y/n-chan!“
Toga said and put all of the things down on your blanket.
You hadn't been feeling well for the last few days and had spent all the time in your room.
The sun was already going down again and you didn't do a single thing today accept asking Toga to drop off some stuff at your room.
„If you need anything else, just call me. I'll let you rest now. Hopefully you are okay soon.“
She said in a lovely voice and gave you a soft head pat.
Then she left and quietly closed the door. You immediately got up and grabbed the eyedrops. You walked over to your mirror and sat down in front of it and pulled your first eye open. After a slight squeeze, two or three drops hit your triggered eye. You did the same thing on the other side.
You looked at your reflection and sighted. Your eyes were terribly red and had some dark circles underneath.
It was no secret that you had just a couple mental breakdowns and your eyes were triggered and felt dry from all the crying. Honestly, this was probably what Ariana Grande felt like while writing her song 'no tears left to cry'.
You eventually got back in your bed bed and opened the pocky sticks (I'm so sorry for spelling it wrong the whole time).
You shoved one in your mouth and cewed it. The taste immediately reminded you of Dabi.

(listen to this, so you have the same vibe as me writing it)

He was the one who usually bought them for you and had his fun teasing you by not giving any to you.
But he always ended up putting one into your mouth.
While you ate another one, you felt how you guts clenched together. A horrible feeling.
You immediately decided to put the box aside. Why did you even ask Toga to bring you some?
After you spent a couple more minutes staring at your wall, you got up from your bed and left the room.
The floors felt cold cold under your bare feet as you walked up the hallway to the roof top.
It was dark outside and stars beautifully sparkeled in the night sky.
As you got down you just admired the pure beautiful of whatever was above you, when you suddenly felt how someone pulled you close from behind.
They laid their hands on your waist and their chin into the crook of your neck.
„Hey, what's up. “
The person whispered.
'Dabi, what the fuck do you want now?'
You thought but remained silent.
„Hey, about what I said a few days ago. I wanted you to know that I'm sorry, k? That wasn't okay and now after you ignored me for a while I finally realized that I fucked up. Sorry, I'm a bit slow.“
He said and pulled you close.
You slightly gasped.
„Are you still mad at me? “
Dabi grabbed your chin and turned your head his way and gave you the most intense doe eyes you'd ever seen.
Your teeth cleaned while you tried to not blush at this moment.
„No, no I'm not mad anymore.“
He let out a sight of relief and looked down.
„I'm glad to hear that since you mean a lot to me.“
He said.
„Hmhm, of course. Y'know, when you first entered the league, I wasn't very convinced that you were actually a good addition to the team, but it took me only a day to realize how wrong I was. I usually don't really bind with people, but I'm glad to call you my friend and I never want to loose you y/n. Besides, you are less annoying than Twice.“
You swallowed the urge to cry in this moment. You were just overwhelmed by what Dabi had said and honestly, there were so many things you wanted to cry about right now.
Dabi telling you the most beautiful things you have ever heard but at the same time, him calling you a friend hurt you. You had no real idea why, but it just felt hurtful to you.
Somehow holding back your tears didn't quite work how you had planned it.
Soon you felt the wet, salty drops run down your cheeks.
„Oh c'mon, no need to cry over that y/n. “
He said and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears.
„S-sorry. It's just.... No one ever said something like this to me before.“
You mumbled and more tears ran down your face.
Dabi gave you a soft smile and rubbed your back.
„I wonder why, you truly deserve it and trust me when I say that I am usually not that corny. But if you ever need someone to talk or just tell you some stuff like that, hit me up.“
And after that, you felt more comfortable shedding tears around him.
You just nodded as a response and Dabi pulled you closer to his chest. He continued rubbing your back for some time, until you had finally calmed down.
You nuzzled into his shirt and a smile formed on his lips.
He responded and softly ran his fingers through your hair.
Even if you wouldn't think it at first, Dabi was very good at comforting you. He seemed to be really caring about the people close to him and you felt honored to be on them.
But the fact that Dabi called you a friend earlier still felt wrong to you. Did you want more? And what the hell exactly is more? Honestly, you had no idea...
You looked up to see the down side of Dabis jawline and the bright twinkling stars of the night sky.
You relaxed more and more and Dabi kept rubbing small circles with his finger onto your back.
Your breathing eventually got heavier and the smell of Dabis cologne seemed to soothe you even more.
It wouldn't take long until you'd eventually fall asleep.

Don't mind me dropping some pepperoni bc the next chapter is going to be spiiicccyyyy 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

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