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After All Might and the other heroes blew up the hideout, the league had to find another one.
It was in a very trashy area, where mostly scum crossed the streets.
The new appartement was lighter than the other one and it even had a bar right underneath.
You were in bed for some weeks, because your body needed to heal.
Nobady really cared about you, accept Toga.
Dabi also visited your room a couple times.
Toga told you that Shigaraki spent most of the time alone, probably planning new things and Kurogiri was in desperate need of playing the bar keeper again.
But the bar was a public one and Shiggy told the other members to be more careful with showing themselves.
Toga also told you about what happened while Dabi was hiding with you inside of the Nomu factory.
The real master mind behind the league of villains, a man named All For One, got into a fight with All Might and he was actually beaten by him.
Now Shigaraki was the head of the league.
Right now, you laid down in your bed.
Your gaze was pointed to the ceiling and your body relaxed.
Since a few days, you were able to walk again and most of your injuries healed already.
Toga came into your room and smiled brightly.
„Y/n-Chan, I've got the perfect idea!“
She squealed, jumping up and down.
„Since we've moved into this new hideout, I thought we should celebrate that! And guess what!“
She squeaked.
Exitment seemed to overflow her body.
„There is a houseparty I've heard of! We could go there!“
„Who told you about this?“
You asked.
„Well Dabi was talking about it. He said some Yuriko girl was hosting it.“
She replied, twisting a strand of her hair around her finger.
Yuriko again? Jeez, you remembered that bitch to well.
Did you really want to go to her party? On the other hand, Toga really wanted to go and Dabi was probably also going.
So you agreed. Toga smiled brightly.
„Ohhh you are amazing! Then take out your party dress, we're going tonight!“
She squeaked and left your room.
'Tonight? Oh shit, I need to get ready and shit!'
You thought and panicked.

Time skip

Your room had a mirror, just like the old one.
It was big enough that you could see your whole body in there, but it wasn't taking up a lot of space and it had a huge scratch in the right top corner.
You were standing right in front of it and looked at yourself.
You wore a backless black satin mini dress, paired with gold jewelry and heels that were tied around your legs.
You looked good, not gonna lie.
Your makeup was also on point.
Toga knocked at your door to get you.

You walked up to a huge house. It kinda reminded you of the house you grew up in.
„Holy shit, Dabi you didn't tell me she is that rich!“
Toga said breathless.
„Me neither.“
Dabi responded.
You walked inside, there were already way to many people squashed inside.
„Daabiii! I'm so glad you made it! “
A black haired woman in a cocktail dress walked towards you.
It was Yuriko.
Dabi nodded in her direction. She pulled him towards herself and tangled him up in a conversation.
Toga and you separated from Dabi and started with some drinks.
After some time, a dude walked up to you and started talking to Toga.
Then they walked outside and you were left behind.
You just took another shot. And another one. And another one.
Soon after, you stumbled outside to get some fresh air.
You sat next down to the pool. No one else was around and a smooth breeze moved your hair.
„Are you all on your own?“
Somebody asked from behind.
You turned around and faced a man your age.
He had shiny black hair and a good fashion sense.
You shook your head.
„No, but I don't know we're they are. “
You responded and scratched your arm.
He sat next down to you.
„So how well do you know Yuriko?“
He asked.
You thought about what you were going to say, without sounding like an complete ass.
„One morning, she just sat in the kitchen of my apartment. She stayed the night over at my roommates room.“
'Good job y/n, didn't sound to bad!'
„Oh well... I'm her brother by the way. My name is Yoshino.“
He said with a smile on his face.
You chuckled out of embarrassment.
„How about I get us some drinks? “
He suggested and got up.
You nodded in agreement and he left to soon return with a wine bottle and two glasses.
He filled them up with the red glowing drink and gave one of them to you.
You smiled.

Time skipppp

„What is going on here?“
Dabi asked.
„She drank a little to much and I helped her to my room.“
Yoshino answered, standing next to his bed.
„Y/n, I already told Toga, we're gonna go.“
He said to you, even though you were half asleep.
Your head was spinning and you kinda felt like you were about to throw up.
Suddenly you felt how someone picked you up and threw you over their shoulder.
It was Dabi. He carried you out of the room and down stairs.
„Noo Dabi, let's stayyy! We just got here!“
You whined, digging your nails into his shoulder.
„You are drunk, goddammit! Let me take you home. “
He said while he brought you outside.
„But we've only been here a few hours!“
You tried to convince him.
„It's four in the morning! The hell you wanna do?“
He asked.
„Just put me down.“
You scratched his jacket and eventually digged your teeth in the back of his neck.
„What the-“
He almost dropped you.
„Let's not go home, I wanna do something fun.“
You said, trying to get off of his shoulder.
„No no no, you are literally wasted as fuck, we're not going anywhere accept home! And did you really thi k biting me would help?“
He stuttered.

When you finally got back, he dragged you into your room and put you down on the bed and tried to get off your shoes.
When he got rid of them, he put a blanket over you and turned off the lights.
„Sleep well.“
He said when he closed the door.

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now