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„Giiiiiirrrll c'mon you can't be serious?"
Toga almost spilled the milk inside her cereal bowl all over her bed.
You nodded and let your hair fall in front of your face.
She let out a giggle.
„How was he? Was he really that good as all these girls said in the past?"
Her eyes were glowing and you knew that there would be an endless questioning.
But there was actually no way that you could've kept to yourself what was going on with Dabi last night.
„I-I.. I don't know..."
„You still pretty sore aren't you?"
She asked with a grin.
„Oh come on! Stop asking now!"
You slightly snapped.
„Y/N you knew I would wanna know all the details so now there's
no chance to get rid of me now. Besides... I've seen you walk this morning. You don't look alright to be honest."
She noticed.
„So what if I am?"
„If so that means that it was worth it to drag all the others to the laser tag."
She responded but immediately realized that she shouldn't have said that.
„What!? Toga? You planned on this?"
She put her cereal bowl down at the night stand and got ready to run.
„No it's not like that! I promise!"
She put her hands above her head as a sign of giving up.
„Dabi asked me to take care of them so everyone would be out of the apartment that night! It's not like I tried to get you laid I promise! I just made a deal with your boyfriend and I got some of his blood in exchange."
She then pulled out a glass bottle filled with blood that she had stored in the drawer of her night stand.
„Wait? So he made a deal with you to-to-"
She nodded.
„He just said he wanted me to help him get everyone else out for a night so he could spend some time with you alone but he never told me his actual intentions.... Anyways... It wasn't that hard to figure it out though..."
You blushed.
„You... You think the others also know? I don't know... I just don't really want everyone to poke their noses into my private life like that."
She shook her head.
„Nah... Most of them didn't really care. Also told them that you said no to coming."
You let out a relieved sigh.
„Howeverrr... Is there some more stuff that you might want to tell me? I mean... About you and Dabi...."
She teased.
You considered it  a moment but eventually came to the conclusion that she would find out about everything sooner or later anyway.
Toga had already had inspected your bruised neck this morning and gave you looks for it so what else did you have to lose by showing her the rest.
You pulled off your sweater and just sat there in your underwear and turned around to show her your back.
It had brightly visible scratches all over it.
„Oh. My. God. Y/N did y'all fuck or fight?"
It looked like her eyeballs were about to fall out.
You grabbed your sweater and tried to pull it back on but she stopped you and started inspecting your skin.
„Does that hurt? Did you at least give him some too?"
She asked while still looking at them.
You slightly nodded.
She gasped.
You pulled the sweater back on.
„Yea well... If you really think so.."
You mumbled while pulling out the hair that got stuck.
She heavily nodded.
„Bitch of course! Just look at those fucking scratches on your back! Surely that didn't happen to me yet."
She said and leaned back.
„And before you feel the need to ask the answer you're looking for is yes. I've already been with people before so I think the rest is self explanatory."
You could feel yourself blush at how she had immediately noticed.
„But yea as I already mentioned... It was very different from what you and Dabi have to seem going on."
She gave you a look.
„I'm curious when one of you is gonna draw blood for the first time."
„Oh my goodness Toga stop! This is definitely getting out of hand now! No one wants to draw blood-"
She interrupted you.
„Stop it! I don't even know how we will continue from now on so I think it's just kinda early to make that many assumptions."
You tried to correct her.
But on the other hand it was Toga you were talking to.
She would definitely not give up that easily when she already got it into her head.
You decided you would just try to be as  chill as possible about it.
You let yourself fall back into the sheets as well and your gaze met the ceiling.
„But honestly... I don't mind if things would stay spicy between us..."
You mumbled and heard a choking noise from Togas direction.
Apparently she had picked up her cereal bowl again and your comment caught her off guard .
„Yea yea totally... Me neither... That is as long as you tell me about everything that's been going on..."

Alright everyone here is the new chapter, hope you enjoyed
We're also at almost 1k votes which is absolutely insane
Thank you all so much for this <3<3<3
Hope you have a great day and stay tuned for the next update

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