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I basically wrote this whole chapter, while listening to Lana Del Rey, so if you want to feel the vibe of this chapter even more intensely, I suggest that you rather put her album 'ultraviolence' or 'born to die' on while reading <3<3<3

You felt a warm breath against your neck.
'What the-'
You opened your eyes and looked at unfamiliar surroundings.
You laid on a bed with black and white sheets and looked at a wall that was covered in band posters and black marker scribbles.
The floor was covered in instant ramen cups and multiple clothing piles.
A sad looking charger hung out of an outlet, without having a device being connected to it.
A slightly ripped apart notebook with also very scribbely notes and ink stains in between the words  was placed on the night stand.
Just now you felt how someone had lossly wrapped their arms around your waist and it was actually their breath what woke you up.
You slightly turned to the side and looked at Dabi, who was still sleeping.
'This must be his room then.'
You wondered why you were even here. Had he really brought you here instead of your own room? But why?
You had a soft smile on your face and slightly ruffled his messed up hair.
That must've woken him up.
Dabis eyes fluttered open and it seemed like he directly stared into your soul.
These blue eyes sparkled in some way you'd never seen before. Sure, you had seen a lot of eyes sparkle in your life, take Togas for example, but this was something different from all the times before.
Not only the times when you looked into Dabis eyes , no, it was something different from all the times you had looked into other people's eyes before.
„I hoped you slept well.“
He said and got you back to reality.
„Why did you bring me here? “
You asked and looked down at the mattress and clenched  your hands around the  sheet.
„Why not? Besides you've never seen my room before and your was pretty messy.“
You looked at the ramen cups on the floor and slightly smirked.
„Is there something wrong with you being here?“
He asked and looked up to you. It almost seemed like he gave you doe eyes.
You shook your head.
„Don't think so, accept you just brought me here in hopes to get laid.“
You responded and stretched your arms.
„God no y/n, why would you think that? We're friends right? And friends don't do things like that.“
And there it was once again, this unbelievably sharp pain in your chest, you couldn't explain.
'Why do his words hurt me so much? It's not like I want to get nasty with him anyways... And also, whatever "things like that" also includes, couldn't possibly be what I  desire.'
„How long do you wanna stay?“
He asked and laid on his back, while his left hand tried to pick up a pack of cigarettes, that must've fallen off of the bed.
„I-I'm not really sure.“
You uncomfortably pressed your lips together and kept looking down at your hands.
„I don't mind if you'd stay with me for a bit, you know, I would actually appreciate it. So, stay as long as you want.“
He said and lit a cigarette with his quirk.
You thought about what you should do for a few seconds, then you laid back and pulled the blanket over your head.
A satisfied smile creeped onto Dabis lips as he breathed out the smoke and noticed, how you laid down next to him.
There was this small opening of the blanket-burrito you had built around yourself and you were able to watch Dabi through it.
He was just laying there, right next to you, smoking his cigarette and he seemed like he'd use this chance to relax for a bit.
You didn't know why, but there was something extremely soothing about this scenario.
Maybe it was just the fact, that this was the first morning in a while, that you had woken up without irritated eyes from a night of crying and mental breakdowns. You also felt healthier than before.
After Dabi had finished his cigarette, he stretched his back and looked at you.
With the time, you had decided to pull down the blanket a bit.
„I'm gonna take a shower, let's make it at least one this month.“
He said with a smirk and leaned over to you.
„What do you wanna do now? Kill me with your effects of bad hygiene?“
You asked giggling.
„Would that be a bad way to go?“
He asked and looked down on you.
„YES! “
And without any hesitation, Dabi let himself fall down and he landed directly on you.
You immediately tried to get him off of you, since the smell of his armpits definitely wasn't what you considered pleasing.
„Get off of me you smelly arsonist!“
You squealed and slapped his shoulder.
He responded.
Then suddenly your hair got caught up in Dabis staples on his cheek.
You both screeched at the same time.
A tiny blood stream ran down his cheek.
„Oh my God, I'm so sorry!“
You leaned towards him to wipe it away, now kneeling in front of him, but still like you could look down on him, and apologized over and over again.
As your fingers brushed against his skin, an electric feeling shot through your body.
It felt warm in your chest and dizzy in your head. Your fingers shivered for a second, then you put your hand down, your eyes still meeting his.
'What the hell did you do to me, you dirty arsonist, huh?'
You thought and sat down in front of him.
„It's okay, it's not your fault. I should've been more careful, I mean, I've had these stupid staples for some time now, right? “
He smirked and gave you a head pat.
Even though you didn't want it, you could feel how it made you blush. You just looked down and hoped your hair would fall in front of your face, so Dabi wouldn't notice anything.

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now