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You, Toga, Twice, Compress and Shigaraki stood in front of the local spa.
„And you sure we really gotta do this?“
Compress asked with a shaky voice.
You and Shigaraki nodded at the same time.

Time skip to the morning

You hit the kitchen table with your hand to shut everyone up.
„We gotta do something to make her feel better about herself.“
Twice was right and also exactly hit the topic.
„Yeah, you see? This is what I've been wanting to talk about the whole time!“
You felt relieved that at least one person finally got what all of this was supposed to be about.
„To sum it all up and make it clear to everyone once and for all: Toga is feeling bad about herself because she is not like the other people her age, specifically those who got to UA.“
You began explaining.
„So I think we gotta do something to cheer her up and make her feel better about who she is.“
You continued and looked around and gave everyone a strict gaze.
„How about murder and arson?“
Dabi suggested from the side.
You felt your eye twitch.
„Murder and arson are not things normal teenagers do Dabi!“
You looked at him with your gaze piercing through his head.
„So any ideas on what we could do that normal teenagers would without the police being after our asses?“
You asked again.
„I have no idea what teenagers do, been a while since I've been one myself..“
Spinner wasn't helping either.
„I mean what the hell do they do anyways now a days? We ain't doing shit because we're stuck in this crappy apartment all the time.“
Compress commented on it.
„This crappy apartment is our hideout and if you don't feel comfortable being here, how about you try to live on the streets instead?“
Shigaraki hissed in his direction.
„Ain't helping either!“
You rolled your eyes.
You've never held a meeting with the league before but you also kinda enjoyed the power you had over the others.
You had sent Toga shopping for some new make up so she wouldn't get in the way and called everyone else in the kitchen for a discussion.
„I know something!“
Twice suddenly jumped up from his seat and waved his arms in an exited motion.
„Toga loves skin care and all of that beauty stuff! And a couple says ago when I went out shopping for new groceries I saw a few girls who looked her age enter that one spa downtown! How about we all take her there?“
Your eyes widened.
His suggestion was actually amazing!
„T-that actually sounds amazing! Thank you Twice, let's take her out for a spa day!“
You had a satisfied smile on your face.
„But what about Dabi? Look at that man's face, these people will immediately recognize his scars and sent him to jail.“
„Coming from a giant lizard!“
Dabi snapped back at Spinner for making that comment.
You looked down.
He was right. Both Dabi and Spinner were easily recognizable.
„So maybe we gotta find another solution instead.“
You looked down.
Dabi took a deep breath in.
„No you don't.“
He replied.
„You see, this is about Toga. Not about me or that salamander. And I truly believe that Twice was right with what he said, doing that weird face care thing would actually bring her joy. Especially if other members from the league joined her. So do it. I'm gonna stay home and I will make sure he does as well.“
You were kinda surprised that he went that way so suddenly.
„You sure?“
You asked him but all he did was nod.
„Yes I am.“
He replied.
„So that's it then? We all got a plan?“
The others agreed with you and you ended the meeting.

Time skip back to current time

You all entered the building together and immediately got some weird looks.
But you had to admit that you probably also looked very unusual.
Five crusty looking people in hoodies were indeed not the usual visitors.
You walked up to the counter and made the appointment.
Some time later you were all sitting in these comfortable chairs and got face masks smeared on your faces.
Your chair was right next to Shigarakis and you somehow felt some sort of tension between the two of you the while time.
Just like both of you wanted to say something but you felt best about it if you kept it in silence.
Toga was right to your other side.
She seemed to enjoy the whole process with her whole heart what made you honestly kinda happy.
It meant that your plan was actually working out and that she was having a good time.
You relaxed a little bit more while the spa worker kept massaging your face.
Actually Twice idea was amazing.
Not only Toga seemed to be having an awesome time, but also was everyone else who was able to join.
'I wonder what Dabi is doing right now.'
You wondered while laying down.
He was probably drinking together with Spinner at the bar downstairs or just in the normal apartment kitchen.
They probably tried to get along as good as they could while the rest of the league was here getting their toe nails filed into clean shapes while having some skin care soaking in.

Time skipppp

After you were done with all your treatments you were about to leave.
The sun was slowly setting and tinted the sky in a red orange color.
Toga had a bright and satisfied smile on her face.
„Hey y/n?“
She suddenly asked.
You pulled up one eyebrow.
„Why did we go here today?“
„Why? “
„I don't know... Just wanna know... I think it's very nice of you all to go here with me but I don't really get why you would do this all of this?“
You kept your silence for a second.
„I.. We just wanted to make you feel good... I don't know... You weren't feeling too good lately and now we thought we could do something to cheer you up or something.“
You mumbled.
Toga gave you a big smile and suddenly hugged you.
„Thank you so much y/n-chan!“

Thank you so much for reading, hope the end of the chapter is alright, was not really having all my senses together while writing lol
Hopefully I make it to upload a new chapter on Wednesday <3

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