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'Am I in denial?'
You laid on your bed and looked at the ceiling.
'What is even going on here? Why do I lay here and overthink dreams I had a few nights ago? I'm sure it doesn't mean something, at least not as much as Toga thinks... It might be true, I've kissed Shigaraki and then he kissed me. And I freely decided to kiss him back. But how much does this really mean now?'
You turned around and pressed your face into your pillow.
You just kept laying like this until you slowly ran out of breath, but you also didn't bother to change anything about your position.
You even kinda enjoyed it. Just the feeling of slowly fading away into a cold nothingness.
It had something beautiful to you.
You heard a small noise behind you. You actually had no idea how loud it actually was since all your senses were irritated by the lack of oxygen your body was getting.
„Y/n? What are doing there?“
You heard someone ask.
Then someone grabbed you and turned you around.
You looked right into Shigarakis face.
„What are you doing here?“
You mumbled.
„I know it sounds weird... But I came to talk to you.“
He sat down next to you.
„Y/n, I'm sorry that I kissed you. It wasn't appropriate, I see it now. And I also don't really know what came over me. I apologize.“
He looked at you with a hint of guilt in his eyes.
„No, it's fine. Please don't worry about it.“
You responded.
„You made me feel so different from usual. You made me feel important and... Loved.“
Your eyes widened.
„What? I mean - sorry... That was rude. It's just hard for me to believe that I actually did something like that.“
You felt a hand on your shoulder.
„But it's true. You can trust me, I'm being totally honest with you.“
„Thank you...“
You felt slightly flustered.
„If you're okay with that... I would like to spend some more time with you.“
Shigarakis eyes had a spark of life in them.
„Yea, that's fine with me.“
You eventually responded.
„Then meet me on the roof tonight.“
He said and left your room.

Timmeee~ skipppp~

The sun was already going down and you got ready for whatever was waiting for you.
'No y/n, don't be silly... Wait, how did I even get in this situation?'
You looked at yourself in the mirror with a smirk.
'It's almost time.'
You thought and looked outside again.

Minor time skip bc I'm too lazy to write all of this

You walked up the stairs and opened the door. Cold air brushed against your face.
You saw Shigaraki standing at the edge of the roof.
„Y/n, I'm happy to see you. You look beautiful tonight.“
He said and looked down your body.
„I don't think I look any different from usual.“
You responded with a chuckle.
„It doesn't matter. To me, your always absolutely gorgeous.“
He took your hands in his and made you look up to him.
„As I said, absolutely gorgeous.“
You felt your heart rate go higher as he said those words.
„Now sit with me, will you?“
He asked and you two sat down against a wall.
One of his arms was wrapped around you and you laid your head on his shoulder.
„I love being near you. Somehow it makes me feel so alive. It almost makes me forget what a horrible person I actually am.“
You suddenly felt sorry for him.
„You're not a horrible person Shigaraki-San. You're just misunderstood. Yea and you didn't some bad things but that doesn't make you a terrible guy, you know?“
You looked up to him and he gave you a slight smile back.
„You see? That's exactly what I've been talking about.“
He leaned towards you and your foreheads touched. It was just like in your dream, just more beautiful.
„May I kiss you y/n?“
His voice was quite and he actually sounded kinda shy to you.
You agreed and suddenly felt his lips on yours.
It was not the first you kissed but it still felt like the first 'real one'.
It felt odd being this close with Shigaraki but at the same time something about it felt at least kinda right to you at the moment.
And hearing how you made him genuinely feel like a better person made you feel flustered.
Of course you still had your thoughts about Dabi, but you also thought it was time to get over him. At least you could try to.
He was living his own life, had a girlfriend who was actually the rudest person you've ever met but he still seemed to love her and with the time you actually started to accept it.
Maybe now was the right time for you to make a move in another direction.
And maybe finding something in Shigaraki was actually a good thing for you.
It could probably even help you to finally let Dabi be your past and start writing another chapter of your life.
So maybe going into a new direction wasn't so bad after all.
„You also make me happy.“
You responded after a while.
You knew that it made him feel flustered as well. You could simply tell by the way his muscles tensed up and the blushes appearing on his face.
Then you leaned back on his chest and closed your eyes as you felt him laying his chin on your head and wrapping his arms around you.

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now