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You walked back to see that the bubble around Dabi was slowly fading away.
„I assume you got him then?“
He asked when you returned.
You nodded and sat down next to him.
„Why did yo pull your face covering down?“
He asked and got down as well, still surrounded by the bubble.
You looked up to him and said
„The last thing I wanted my opponent to see before he died was my face.“
Your words sounded emotionless but truly they overflowing with all kinds of different emotions.
He nodded and leaned back.
„Your gier broke.“
He said, having his eyes closed.
You looked down. He was right, the buckle on your thigh broke. It probably happened when you released the shock wave.
„I'll go to the mall in the next few day and get something to fix it.“
You said, also leaning back against the same wall.
You closed your eyes as well and relaxed for a moment. You did it. The mission was accomplished.

After the bubble had faded away Dabi and you started walking back to the hideout.
„You're so quiet. That's unusual.“
He noticed and looked at you.
„Oh, it's nothing, I'm just a little exhausted.“
You responded, trying to get a smile on your lips.
Dabi patted your head and you continued walking home in silence.

„You look pretty beat up.“
Spinner noticed as the two of you entered the kitchen.
„Oh y/n-chan! You're bleeding! “
Toga screeched licking her lips.
„I fell a couple times, but it's fine.“
You responded sitting down.
„I honestly just wanna go to sleep already.“
Dabi spoke looking outside the window.
The sun had already gone down and the night just began. You nodded and yawned.
„Oh, then you won't come to movie night at Twices room?“
Toga asked disappointed.
„We didn't even know about this.“
I responded.
Dabi and you looked at each other and seemed to have the same thought.
„Maybe we'll come for an hour or two.“
He said and had Toga brightly smile in no time.
You also had a slight smirk on your face.
„We even got some snacks!“
Toga announced happily.
Apparently that was all it needed for you to be fully convinced.
„We'll definitely be there.“

Time skipppp

Twice had put on the movie and sat down on the couch next to Toga.
A whole lotta snacks were put on a table in front of you.
„Oh my God, are those poky sticks?“
You asked with widely opened eyes.
„Sure, Dabi told me you like them.“
Twice responded and leaned back.
Confusedly you looked up to the man next to you.
„It's not what you think. We were just talking about... Snacks and food I guess...“
He said and didn't seem to bother.
You grabbed the box and started eating and then just concentrated on the movie.
Soon you felt how your eyelids were getting heavy and you eventually dozed off.

Time skip again

You slightly opened your eyes. It seemed like you fell asleep during the movie. You still laid on the couch in Twices room, just like yesterday.
Just now you realized that Dabi was kinda holding onto you, his face pressed against your lower back.
'Oh holy All Might! Did we really sleep like this the whole night?'
Suddenly Dabi moved and his fingers clenched around your hips.
You flinched due to the unpredicted touch, also you felt how your face was getting hot.
„Don't move so much you idiot.“
Dabi mumbled into your back.
You clenched your teeth.
Dabi pulled himself closer to you and dozed off again. Was he even aware of what was going on? Also you weren't sure if he would appreciate it, if he knew.
The door slightly opened and Toga slipped in. On tip toes she walked over to you. When she saw you a big smile appeared on her face.
'Oh my goodness, how can it be so big? Her smile is absolutely humongous.'
„So you and Dabi-San have a good time?“
She whispered.
You shook your head and tried to cover the massive blush on your face.
„It's not like that toga!“
You screeched, while hoping Dabi wouldn't wake up.
„I actually want to get up and leave. Besides, how did I even get in this misery? Why didn't you try to help me in the first place?“
You were utterly offended.
„Sorry y/n-chan, but the two of you looked so peaceful, so Twice and I decided to let it be.“
She apologized.
You nodded as a sign of acceptance. Then you tried to get Dabi off of you. As you moved his arms away from you, he let out a disturbed grunt.
„It's okay, I just want to leave now.“
You whispered into his ear, in hopes he would fall back into a deeper sleep again.
Toga looked like she couldn't hold it back anymore, so you gave Dabi a soft head pat and then you grabbed Togas arm and pulled her out of the room with you.
She squealed as soon as you shut the door.
„Be quiet, you could wake them up!“
You hissed, your pointer finger on your lips.
„Oops sorry! But you and Dabii?! C'mon that was cute as hell!“
She squealed, now quieter.
You felt how you blushed again.
„Please Toga, it's really not a big deal, so could you please stop making such a big deal out of it?“
You asked, trying to calm her down so she would finally shut up.
„Uhh whatever, you're boring.“
She responded and both of you walked into the kitchen.

„So what do you wanna do today?“
Toga asked while she pulled out a fresh box of cereal.
You opened the fridge to get the milk.
„The buckle of my gier broke during the fight, I need to go to the mall to buy a new one.“
You said and placed two bowls on the table.
Toga immediately grabbed the milk and poured it in first. We all know why. She's a psychopath!
„Sounds fun! I wish I could join you, but I promised Twice to go to the training grounds with him.“
Toga said and poured in the cereal.
„It's also Compresse's turn with the grocery shopping and he always gets our cereal order wrong, so I guess I also have to deal with that.“
She said and shoved the first spoon into her mouth.
„Maybe another day?“
You suggested and she nodded in agreement.

Hey everyone, next chapter gonna be a little spicy I hope
Also, I am not sure if I really upload this chapter on a Monday like usual or if it's just gonna be a random day of the week
Things are strange right now and I also always want to let you guys know what's going to happen next

Ahh it's complicated

But I still hope you're enjoying the story so far and don't forget to vote if you want to support me <3

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