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„Do you really wanna die just now you pathetic little pig?"
The grib around your neck tightened and you felt how the last air got eventually pressed out of your lungs.
Your back was pressed against the wall and your feet were dangling in the air.
You tried to talk but your mothers hand made it impossible for you to breathe in.
Then she dropped you and you fell down to the floor.
„You are week, I can't even imagine that my blood flows through your veins."
She spoke while looking down on you.
„Where is the progress I wanted?"
She harshly asked.
„I- I'm sorry but I'm trying so hard to live up to your expectations."
You cried, choking down your tears.
„ It you aren't. Some days, I really feel the need to just end all of this and replace you with someone better. Someone who will eventually be worthy of me."
„I will become stronger soon, I promise, mother!"
You got up and she glared down at you.
„I hope so, for your sake that is. Do not dare to dissatisfie me."
She turned her back and left you alone in the basement area.
You stayed there for your usual training until it was time for you to go back to your room and study.
When you were a couple years younger, maybe around twelve, you've always wished for someone coming to your rescue, but by now you had realized that this would never happen.
It was just nothing more than a little girl, dreaming of freedom while holding a calculator in her hand.
After you've tried to read a book for a while, you eventually snapped.
You grunted and punched against the wall, accidentally activating your qurik.
The concrete from the wall crumbled and left a hole.
'Shit, if my mother sees this, she's gonna freak out!'
You thought about how you could cover this up the best when you saw a little piece of paper sticking out there.
'What the hell is this?'
You carefully pulled on it, only making more concrete crumble down.
It was a letter. It had been placed inside the wall of your room.
You softly wiped away some dust to read what was written in a cursive handwriting on the envelope.
It said ' to y/n'.
'It has my name in there.'
Your eyes widened in curiosity.
You carefully opened it up to read.

Dear y/n,

It's probably been a long long time since we've seen each other the last time, but I promise, I will never forget that.
You must know that I cherish you to the gods, in fact, when I first heard about m/n's pregnancy, I couldn't have been more excited to finally meet you.
And when you were finally born, it was like a saint, being sent to earth straight up from heaven.
I enjoyed every single day we've had together and that was some true quality time, even if you probably can't remember.
I am writing you this letter to let you know that I am proud of you. I swear, I couldn't be prouder.
I just wish, I could've been around a little longer to watch you grow, to see what an amazing person you would become.
I am sad that this will probably never happen.
I wish I could know how old you are, when you finally read this letter or if you ever even find it.
The only thing that matters by now is that I love you and I will never stop loving you.
I also must say, that I have a lot of regrets in my life, sometimes I even regret the relationship I have with m/n. But if there is 9ne thing I will never regret, it will be me being able to call you my daughter.
I just wish we could have had more time together.

I will always love you and never stop loving you
~ Dad

You folded the piece of paper back together.
So many different thoughts were rushing through your head by now.
Your mother had never talked about your father before, so you had always assumed that he just left before you were born. But now you knew that there was more to it.
That night, when you sat down at the dinner table you decided to break the usual silence that always surrounded you and your mother while eating.
„Where's dad?"
She looked up from her food in disbelief.
„Why do you bother to ask about a man who never bothered to be part of your life?"
He voice sounded degrading.
„Because it's a lie."
You responded with all currage you've had built up in your body.
Her eyes were shooting lasers through your chest.
„How would you know, huh? You never even met him."
She started losing her patience.
„Because I just know."
You tried to be steadfast.
„Enough! Enough of that bullshit! Leave! Leave the fucking room and don't bother to show up again until the sun's back up!"
She demanded and pointed at the stairs leading to the upper floor.
You followed the order and left.
'She is hiding something, I can feel it.'

Dabi had been in his room all day long and you were thinking about it a lot.
In the afternoon you finally gathered enough courage to check up on him.
You carefully knocked at the door and waited for a response.
After you didn't het one, you just decided to get in.
He sat in his bed, looking kinda down.
„Hey, what's going on with you? Maybe only if I do a handstand I could see you smile again."
He didn't respond right away.
„Just having a hard day, that's all."
He mumbled.
„Maybe I could do something to cheer you up a little."
You suggested.
„Ahh I don't know.."
„Don't worry, let me take care of that."
You left only to return with to cups of spicy instant ramen.
You handed one over to him.
„Here, those are your favorites."
You said with a soft smile.
Dabis face was painfully cramped up and it looked like he was actually just choking back some tears.
„It's okay, you're safe with me."
You softly whispered into his ear.
Dabi had always given you comfort, you felt like paying it back now.
„I-I'm just so sorry y/n. I'm in a sticky situation right now and... And I don't really know how to get out of it. It's just... Very difficult."
You laid your head on his shoulder and said
„Don't worry, you'll get through this. I'm sure of that."
He let out a deep breath and relaxed.
„Thank you y/n, but I am also still very sorry."
You felt how his aura surrounded you but his words also scared you and made your heart clench.

And here we have a long chapter, once again.
I don't know but lately I feel like there's just a lot of stuff happening in the story-
Hope you enjoyed it, love y'all and don't forget to vote if you liked this book so far <3

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