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„You don't look like you've slept very well. “
Toga said, placing a bowl of cereal in front of you.
You rubbed your eyes.
„You have no idea. “
You yawned, trying to shake the thoughts about this night off.
After both of you finished your cereal, you got up and tried to fix the loosened messy bun on your head.
„Jeez my hair is greasy. Well, I didn't wash it yesterday so I'm not surprised."
You decided to take a shower.
Sadly, out of all doors in the quarters, Dabi had to burn down the bathroom door. Good bye privacy I guess!
You pushed the pearl curtain aside and started taking your clothes off, hoping no one was watching you.
You jumped into the shower and turned on the water.
At least the leagues bathroom had a shower curtain.
You felt the hot water run down your body and you began rubbing shampoo into your hair.
After a while you turned around and saw someone standing in the bathroom.
You slightly pulled the shower curtain aside and looked around.
„Oh my God! Dabi! What the hell are you doing here?“
You gasped. He just stood there, making the situation even more awkward.
The whole thing got even worse, when shampoo started running into your left eye.
You felt the burn and tried to rub it away, but instead you just got more shampoo in your eye.
You stumbled backwards, already forgetting about Dabi still being here.
Then you slipped and landed on your lower back.
„Jeez y/n, are you okay? “
Dabi came rushing over to you and he accidentally pulled the curtain to the side.
„What the heck?! Get out of here NOW ! “
You yelled.
A kinda scared Dabi left the bathroom.
You just sat there for a while. The shampoo eventually got out of your eye and the burning already stopped.
'What the heck?'
You thought to yourself.
'Didn't I enter to become a villain? Instead of doing real villain work, I've had multiple not very pleasant experiences with the local scar covered fuck boy, by almost crushing his face with my boobs, seeing him naked in the shower and just now he got to see me naked in the shower?! Sorry not sorry, bit that's definitely to much for me. '
You nervously started biting your lip.
After you got out of the shower and dried your hair, you decided to ask Toga, if there was any real villain work to do.
You were sick of just hanging out at the quarters and trying to calm yourself down after having an embarrassing incident with Dabi and just waiting for the next to follow.
It's time you got your ass up and started working.

Time skip

Toga had told you about a delivery,  she was supposed to get this day and after you asked Shigaraki multiple times, by the way annoying the fuck out of him, he agreed to let you be part of Togas mission.
You guys walked around in the mall looking out for a guy supposed to meet.
„Have you seen anything sus? “
You asked, but Toga just shook her head in disagreement.
You were walking around there for some more time until you got tired of it.
„Kurogiri once said, patience is the key to a lot of stuff. Maybe he also meant situations like this. “
Toga said. You were surprised how wise she sounded in that moment.
You truly weren't used to it and also didn't expect to hear such a thing from her.
You sat down in an alleyway and kept waiting.
„This is so stupid. "
You scoffed and kicked a rock.
Then, out of nowhere, a guy approached you.
„Are you the one with the information? “
Toga hissed like an angry cat.
He shyly nodded.
„What the fuck took you so long?“
You got up and raised your voice.
„Listen, it's not my fault if you hide at such a weird and totally not findable spot.“
He clapped back at you.
But his comment wasn't the only thing that clapped.
It was also your hand hitting his face.
„Cut the crap right now! “
You yelled, grabbing him by the shoulders and ramming your knee into his guts.
He stumbled back and landed on his behind.
„Fine, fine, I'll tell you everything I know.“
He muttered, clearly scared of you having another outbreak.
„Well, UA plans to hold a training camp in the woods for class 1A and 1B. It's all about enlarging their quirks and stuff. They will have some pro heroes guiding them through camp, so they're not on their own.“
He finished.
Toga nodded.
„If that's all, you're allowed to leave. And don't try to trick us! “
She responded, kinda squinting her eyes together.
The man got up and left the alley running.
You two also left a few minutes after.
„So... Didn't Shigaraki actually want to kill All Might? Why does he bother, if there is some kind of training camp? I'm sure they're holding them all the time.“
„Sorry y/n-chan.. You weren't at the meeting yesterday, since you're a noobie, but I'm pretty sure Shiggy will have you join us at the mission in the end anyways. So I don't think it's that bad, if I tell you. “
Toga said with a sparkle in her eyes.
„Well, at the USJ attack, there was this one boy. He was very impulsive and fought like a beast. Apparently, Shiggy thinks that he would make an awesome villain. Long story short, he wants him to join the league.“
You nodded.
„So we're probably going to inflanate the camp and kidnap him. Sound like a solid plan.“

After you got back to the quarters of the league, there was a meeting at the bar.
Everyone gathered and Toga started blasting out the news.
„And they're gonna hold some sort of training camp and he'll be there! “
Kurogiri turned around to face Shigaraki.
„Sounds good to me. Now, that we've gathered some professional villains instead of scum from the underground, we might have a chance to make our plans succeed. We will inflanate the camp.“
He waited for Shigaraki to confirm his speech.
„Seems like, this is the best we can do at the moment to get the league a new, promising member.“
You took a step forward.
„Excuse me? Shigaraki, sir... What about me? Will I be part of the mission? “
You asked, standing up straight.
He turned around to face you.
„Y/n... You've already proven your loyalty once, by breaking into UA. But how about we just put you on a second test then? You will join the attack group and work with them to accomplish our goals. “
He said with a scratchy voice.
„Thank you. I will not disappoint you.“

Stay turned for the next chapters <3

Also, check out the mha boyfriend scenarios I'm currently writing, they also feature Dabi<3

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