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Toga and Twice sat on the other side of the table and had difficulties sitting still. Twice had it even this bad that his chair was constantly scratching the ground.
Toga had told him about what Dabi had did to you and he just straight up couldn't believe it.
Of course they were your friends but at the moment you felt kinda uncomfortable with them poking their noses into your private business.
„I can't believe that you are a thing now after your little make out session in the club!“
The energy overflowed him.
„Look look look here's the proof!“
Toga screeched with an exited smile and pulled the hair away from your neck to show off the hickey.
Her eyes widened when she noticed that the whole side of your neck was showing a pattern of several dark red marks.
She dropped your hair and gasped.
„T-t-that's... FUCKING MUCH!“
She wanted to grab it again but you quickly covered it with your hand and felt your face heat up.
„Okay how far did you actually go?!“
Twice leaned over the table.
„Can we please stop talking about this and just play Mario Kart or something?“
You tried to get out of it.
Toga wrapped her arms around your shoulders and smiled.
„We can do another game night today but before that you just gotta answer just a few more questions, okay?“
She tried to lure you in.
You hesitated to answer.
„Twice is also gonna get snacks for usss~“
She spoke with her lovey dovey voice.
You slightly nodded.
„Alrightttt! She said yesss!“
Toga screeched.
„So how far do you want to actually go with him?“
Twice asked, wanting to know what his best friend could expect from you in the future.
„I honestly don't know yet... I've only been in a relationship once and... To be completely honest... The connection I have with Dabi goes waaay deeper than what I had with Shigaraki...“
You calmly answered.
„I don't know... It's just very different. Like, I knew this for some time now because I always had that kind of deep emotional attachment to him and just him being around when my anxiety was draining me only made that attachment grow.“
You added.
„Okay but now the more important stuff.“
Toga had a grin on her face that already scared you.
„How was the night?“
She lowered her voice and gave you a wink.
You almost choked on your own saliva.
„You agreed to answer our questions.“
She said with a treacherous smile.
„I honestly can't remember most of the night because I was blacked out. I slept over and I think Dabi also took care of me, at least a bit.“
You mumbled.
„At least a bit? C'mon y/n! Last night he was probably more around than your own father!“
Twice argued.
„I never knew my father!“
You snapped.
„Seems like he does everything so you will call him daddy...“
Toga chuckled in the back.
You were about to yell at her when she cut you off
„He's a kinky motherfucker, you gotta be aware of that. Also... I was joking.“
You turned away.
„That is.. Perhaps I was joking...“
She added but it was so quiet that you didn't hear it.
„But that's actually all I wanted to know... So I guess you can leave now and we'll all meet up tonight to play Mario Kart again.“
Toga got up from her seat and stretched her back.
„Thank God.“
You sighed and got ready to leave.
„And don't you dare and be late!“
Toga waved at you as you left the door.

Time skipppppppppp

You brushed through your super tangled hair.
'Alright... Ready to go.'
You put your musty dusty hairbrush down and left to get to Twices room.
When you opened the door he was just trying to set up the console.
„Ah y/n, great you're here. Toga already dropped off some snacks but she said she had to get one more.“
He pointed at the other controller lying on the bed.
„Would you please get that for me?“
You nodded and picked it up.
When you sat down on the couch the door opened and Toga got in.
„Alllriiightt! I'm back! And here is the special snack I had to get for y/n-chan!“
She went two steps to the side to reveal Dabi standing in the doorframe.
You slightly blushed.
„Hey man, didn't know you also wanted to come!“
Twice greeted him.
He went over and leaned over the back of the couch and inhaled your scent.
„How could I ditch on you on these conditions? We got games and plenty of snacks... Here, I also brought something.“
He pulled out a box of poky sticks and dropped them in your lap.
„Here princess.“
Then he decided to drop down next to you and rested his feet on Twices shoulders.
He yelped.
Dabi let out a chuckle and leaned against your side.
„If you keep up this behavior we'll never invite you to game night ever again!“
Twice tried to scold him.
Dabi pulled his feet back on the couch and let him pluck in the final wires.
„Alright, ready for the first tournament?“
He asked and waved with the controllers.
„Ou I want to go first against you!“
Toga squeaked and jumped on the pillows lying in front of the couch.
Then they started the first race.
„I'm not gonna let Luigi or Link get past me..“
He growled and got in racing position.
Then they started their tournament.
At first Toga was in first place but then Wario overtook her.
„Hey what the heck!“
She cussed and clenched her teeth.
Twice had a bad start and due to that he was in seventh place but he seemed to catch up quickly.
Suddenly he was in third place.
„Hey did you practice or something since the last time we played?“
Toga asked in an offended tone.
„Just a little... After I saw how good y/n was even though she never played before I worried a bit about my reputation.“
He said with a grin.
„But even if I did...I will probably never beat Dabi... He's the unbeaten champ.“
Toga clenched her teeth and tried to get past the bots to get Twice before he could cross the finish line.
He ended up winning the race.
She hissed and held tight o to her controller.
„Ha! Winner of the first race! The other three won't be a problem!“
Twice leaned back against the couch.
Then they started their second race.
Dabi let out a slight chuckle and slowly pushed his arm around you and grabbed the side of your waist with his fingers.
You held your breath for a second when he started to draw small circles on your side.
„You are so tense darling... Relax a bit.“
He whispered in your ear so the others wouldn't hear.
You blushed and hesitated to breathe against.
„You are cheating!“
Toga screeched and it made your attention shift to her.
„I'm not! You're just worse than me!“
Twice tried to defend himself.
Dabi shook his head and said
„Just let these idiots be~ Just concentrate on me~“
His voice sounded seductive and very breathy.
You were utterly flustered by his comment and felt how he got close to your face.
His breath traced your jaw and suddenly you felt the tip of his nose touch your cheek and his lips brush against your jawline.
A blush appeared under your eyes.
Toga and Twice were busy staring at the screen and battling for first place.
Dabi smirked and you could clearly feel it against your skin.
He leaned a little bit more to the right and softly pressed his lips against the corner of your jawline.
He then went down your neck but never actually sucked your skin. Just one soft touch with his lips after another. But it was definitely enough to make you feel flustered and to make an electric feeling shoot through your veins.
„Won again!“
One of Dabis hands held your waist from behind while he was working down his way to your collar bones.
Then he suddenly stopped. You were confused and wondering if something was wrong but he just had a dirty smirk on his face.
You understood. "A little teasing can't be that bad" was what his eyes spoke.
He got closer to your ear again.
„Want me to continue?“
He asked with a mischievous grin.
You slightly nodded, feeling yourself blush like crazy.
„As you wish, but you have to give me payback later.“
Then you felt his lips on your collar bones again.
„Fuck you Luigi!“
Twice yelled.
Dabi was now done with your collar bones, so you suddenly felt him actually suck your neck and he hit your sweet spot immediately, but before any sound could leave your mouth Dabi pressed his hand over it.
Twice looked over his shoulder and was visibly confused.
„You guys okay back there?“
He asked.
„Yup, just stuffin some of these cheese balls into y/ns mouth, that's all.“
In a smooth motion, Dabi also swiped your hair in front of your neck to cover the spot.
„Anyway... I won the tournament so it's my turn to choose my next partner.... And I pick... Y/n.“
Your chest clenched but you still took Twices offer.
You quickly switched places with Toga and she handed you the controller so you could pick your character.
Then you started going up against Twice.
Before the race started, Dabi leaned forward and whispered in your ear.
„You got this darling... And if you win... I have a little surprise for you.“
And if he would've kissed your cheek, the moment would've been perfectly satisfying. But he just leaned back and ate some of your poky sticks.
Then the race started and you tried to get a chance up against Twice but he left you behind after the first turn.
„Wait! How the hell am I supposed to win like that?!“
You snapped.
„Just play the fucking game, it's not that hard!“
He responded.
'Fuck off you stupid bitch!'
You scoffed in your mind.
It was impossible to catch up for you, especially with your skills.
„Damn you!“
You yelled after cat peach after she hit you with a red shell.
Now you were in 8th place.
„Fuck'em all up!“
Dabi yelled.
„I'm trying - “
You whined and dropped down one more place.
„I said fuck'em up and not let them fuck you up!“
You ended up being 9th place.
It felt frustrating and your emotions were about to take control of you and a small tear formed in the corner of your eye.
You tried to hold it back with all your power to stop it from rolling down your face.
„Hahahah, look at you!“
Twice laughed.
A second later he let out a hard breath and bended over.
„Ouch man! What was that for?! “
He scoffed.
You turned around to the back and saw Dabi clench his teeth and glare at Twice.
Toga grabbed his arm and pulled him to her level.
„You're so mean!“
„That was well deserved.“
He mumbled and let you continue playing the round.
After you finished Twice jumped up and cheered
„I won! I won again! How's that even possible?! Seems like I'm the new Mario Kart pro around here!“
Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.
„Calm down... First you have to pass me by before you can claim that title...“
The calmness of Dabis words almost scared you. But Twice was even more intimidated by it.
„S-sure... Why don't you grab one controller and we fight that out... Right now.. “
He was visibly uncertain of the situation.
Dabi had an evil grin on his face when Twice pressed the start button.
„This is gonna be your downfall asshole...“
He quietly mumbled seconds before the race started.
You could swear that Twice just flinched as he heard those words.
Not even thirty seconds into the race Dabi claimed first place and had already thrown multiple items at Twice.
It was no problem for him to win with ease.
„Where is the challenge you promised me?“
He asked sounding slightly bored.
„I-I never promised you anything!“
„Come on you sound like my ex girlfriend whining at me about some stupid shit! You wanted to challenge me, now you've got your challenge... So where's mine?“
Toga tightly held onto your arm as she watched the boys argue.
„This is so exciting y/n-chan!“
She quietly sealed in your ear.
„Twice kept bragging and bragging and now he's literally going down in flames!“
She looked amused.
You agreed with her.
„Besides... He was mean to you and now see how Dabis kicks his butt.“
She chuckled.
„That's some sweet ass revenge!“
You just sat there and watched.
Of course Dabi won the tournament.
Twice was eventually pushed back on the couch.
Toga didn't even want to try to race him so it was up to you to try your best.
„Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.“
He said with a wink.
You felt your cheeks heat up but his comment didn't make you feel any better about playing against him.
Of course you still did terrible against him. That wasn't even a real question. He slightly moved his hands while you were struggling for your life in the back.
„You know what... It ain't working out like that, let us try something new.“
He rubbed his temporal.
„Twice! Get over here you idiot! “
He demanded and pointed at the place where he just sat seconds ago.
„W-what are you doing?“
He asked.
„You're going against y/n again, now sit your ass down right here.“
Twice started the next race, unsure of what he should expect from it.
As soon as it started he tried to get to the front again but when Dabi saw you falling behind he grabbed your controller, placed himself behind your back, laid his chin on your right shoulder and began moving your fingers around.
„See? This is how you actually hold it. Also, this is how you drift.“
He used your finger to press a button.
„Here, throw that fucking item at Link and you'll never see that stupid fucker ever again.“
The red shell hit him from behind and you passed him by.
Everything seemed to be a lot simpler now. You were actually one of the upper places for the first time in your life.
Twice was still on number one and now obviously worried about his position.
„Get ready, I'm coming for you, dip shit!“
You hissed as you got the second place.
„Nonono I won't let you get by!“
„Well see about that...“
Dabi mumbled under his breath right into your ear.
Then you picked up some speed and eventually left Twice behind.
You crossed the finish line first and almost couldn't believe it.
„Cheater! You're all cheaters!“
Twice cursed.
„Oh shut the fuck up you annoying fuck.“
Dabi rolled his eyes.
Then he turned around to you and picked you up in a small hug.
„Proud of you, you beat his ass.“
You smiled and pressed your forehead against his for a second.
„I don't wanna play this stupid game anyways, y/n suggested to...“
Twice mumbled in the back.
„Oh get over it!“
Toga snapped.
„You're just a bad loser, that's all!“

2588 words! Holy fuck, that's probably the longest chapter so far.
My best friend said she liked the Mario Kart chapter a lot, so I decided to write another one <3
Also happy Star Wars day everyone!!
Jay D Stryder also released a new song todayyy, just love him, he's one of my favorite artists so yeaa
Hope you have a great day <3

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