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You got pushed into the bushes backwards.
Dabi grabbed your shoulders and held you against a tree before smashing his lips into yours.
He continued to make out with you for a couple more minutes, sliding his hands up and down your body while making sure you were keeping up with him and definitely enjoying it.
He then suddenly let you go to take a breath.
He then got closer to you again and were about to kiss you again but before he got the chance to the walkie talkie he carried with him went off.
„Dabi?! Where the fuck are you?!"
It was Compress and he didn't seem to be too amused.
„Sorry about that."
He mumbled before grabbing it to answer.

Time skip to what happened before

The league was sitting all together at the kitchen table.
„We have to stay in shape y'all. Even if I don't like being pushed around to do physical activities either we can't let ourselves get outdated by simple criminals in the streets. We are the league of villains. We are supposed to be feared but no one seems to really give a shit about us these days."
Shigaraki explained.
„Therefore we are gonna get this training mission off our asses. "
He lowered the tone while glaring at Dabi.
The thing Shigaraki was talking about was simply just making some trouble and without getting caught by the cops or any heros.
Sounded pretty much like there were worse things it could've meant.
„Ou ou can I Team up with y/n-chan?"
Toga asked with am excited sparkle in her eyes.
„No way. She's coming with me."
Dabi said and put one arm around you.
„You asshole I claimed her first!"
„Oh really? I see no mark."
He said and pulled your hair aside to take a look at your neck.
„First of all.. I didn't know anyone could 'claim'  me and second... What the actual fuck Dabi."
You said and grabbed your hair back.
„Oh my lord..."
Shigaraki sighed.
„Why did I even let all these idiots in my league if all they do in the end is fight over this girl."
He asked.
He was probably trying to talk to Kurogiri but he didn't seem to give two fucks.
Toga had crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted at you and Dabi.
„I want her to be my partner you can't gatekeep her like that."
She kept pouting.
„Good I hate you sometimes you blond gremlin."
He hissed back at her.
„Besides you also act like a total gatekeeper. She's my girlfriend you remember?"
„And I am her best friend. Girl code says-"
„I don't give a dry fuck about what girl code says."
He interrupted her.
„Jesus Christ you two are so annoying right now! How about I just go all by myself this time so no one has to fight over this shit anymore."
You interrupted both of them.
„Thank God she was able to shut them up."
Shiggy rubbed his temples as he closed the meeting.

A bit further in the time line again

You were just looking around trying to find something you could do to fulfill your mission.
A murder seemed a bit too much for such a meaningless thing but just a theft would be too simple.
You were walking through a park looking at the people.
Everything seemed so peaceful around you that you almost felt bad to ruin it at some point.
You also wondered if the others were struggling as well.
You walked past some bushes when you suddenly felt how someone grabbed you from behind.
You held your breath for a second when the person dragged you into the branches.
They were so fast that not a single person in the area had noticed it.
You were about to scream when they turned you around and you could finally see their face.
„Dabi?! What the actual fuck are you doing! I thought I was about to get kidnapped."
You whisper yelled at him.
„Would it really be that bad to get kidnapped by me?"
He asked and bended down to your level.
„I'm trying to work."
You reminded him of what you were actually supposed to do out here.
„And I am trying to spend some you and me time."
He said and pulled you up from the ground.
„Just a little? Please?"
He gave you doe eyes.
„Wow never thought I'd hear you say that word lol."
You responded.
„Alright fine. But just a little."
You sighed.
He gave you a smirk.
„I knew you would give in."
He said and kissed your lips before you could say anything else.
He had one hand at the back of your head shoved into your hair and the other smoothly slid down to your lower back.
„You're an ass."
You responded as soon as you disconnected to take a breath.
„I know but don't act like you don't like it."
He gave you that same nasty smirk he always gave you when he exactly knew he was right but still wanted affection afterwards.
„That makes you even more of an ass."
But before you could add anything else he cut you off again.

Back to current time

„Dang it you fool!"
Shigaraki yelled.
„What the heck did you do Dabi!?"
Dabi just looked down at him with no emotion in his eyes.
He asked just as emotionless with a spark of annoyance.
„Jesus Christ you exactly know what I mean! Don't act more fool than you are!"
He hissed back at him.
„You preferred to sneak away with a girl instead of fulfilling your fucking job!"
Dabi still seemed unbothered as fuck.
„What do you mean 'and'? You had a job-"
„Are you mad because you're jealous?“
„No? I am not jealous. It's just about you being unreliable as FUCK because you are nothing  it a horny ass MOTHERFUCKERRR!"
His voice cracked in the end.
„Get out of my office bitch."
He demanded and pointed at the door.
Dabi rolled his eyes and left without another word.
„What was going on in there?"
You asked leaning against the wall.
„Crusty man is just jealous because I'm the one making out with you now I guess."
Still very unbothered.
He shrugged and put his arm around you and dragged you to his room.

Alright everyone, very sorry if the chapters don't come out that regularly I will probably go back to the normal schedule as soon as school starts again .
Hope you enjoyed reading this see you in the next chapter <3
I'm also getting more into creepypasta lately so if anyone has any Jeff the killer fanfic recommendations let me know

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