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You dumped your spoon into your cereal.
Dabi sat across the table and texted someone. His thumbs were aggressively tapping over the screen and he pressed his lips together like he was thinking about something that stressed him out.
„You good?“
You asked and pulled up one eyebrow.
„It's just... Yuriko wants to come over again but the problem is that she doesn't know that we've moved.“
Dabi explained.
„Do you even want her to come over in the first place? If so, why?“
You asked sceptical.
„We're kinda good I guess. Plus she was one of the girls I was fucking with.“
Again, this casualness he spoke out these words with terrified you.
„What's the problem then?“
You looked down into your cereal bowl.
„Well, let's not talk about Yuriko right now. I can literally smell that it's pissing you off for some reason.“
He said and put his phone down.
You looked up to him again and thankfully smirked.
„Maybe you want to go to the training grounds with me after breakfast?“
He asked and it immediately lightened up your mood. So you of course agreed, besides you didn't have anything better to do.
In this moment Toga entered the kitchen. She had slept longer than usual and now stretched her back and let out a yawn.
„The dream I had this night was just amazing.“
She said and cracked her fingers.
„I'm pretty sure it's because of the Izuku-kun photo I hung up.“
Dabi and you just looked at each other, holding back your laughter.
„Since you decided to sleep in today, I already finished my breakfast and Dabi wants to go to the training grounds with me. So have fun eating alone this morning.“
You chuckled and got up.
„Aww y/n.“
She whined and tried to grab your arm as you walked by.
You apologized with a smile.
Then you left and Dabi followed you outside.

Time skippp

The exhaustion took over as you tried to stab Dabi with your knife one last time.
You didn't make a hit. Instead you just fell over. A second before you hit the ground, Dabi caught you.
„You did great today.“
He said and patted your head.
„How about we go to the stores today and I'll buy you some poky sticks? I needed to pick up something else anyways.“
He suggested and smiled at you.
You intensely nodded as an answer.

Time skipp again because I'm lazy

The two of you approached a smaller store that looked kinda ripped off.
„And you really shop here more often?“
You asked and gave the place a skeptical look.
„C'mon, it's not as bad as it looks.“
He said and grabbed your sleeve to drag you in.
While walking through the isles, he didn't let go of it.
Suddenly you stopped at an isle with hair dye.
„What are we doing here?“
You asked.
„I need some new dye, my roots are showing at the back of my head.“
He huffed and looked at the blacks of two different brands.
„This isn't your real hair color?“
You asked confusedly.
„If this was my real hair color would I be buying black hair die?“
He asked and put one of the boxes away.
„This one doesn't fry my hair to badly.“
He explained.
„Besides, you could help me dye my hair later.“
He suggested with a smirk.
You nodded.
„But only if we get my poky sticks now, you promised it.“
You said pouting and grabbed Dabi by his hoodie.
„Alright alright.“
He responded and chuckled.
Then he dragged you to the snack isle and in the end he paid for everything.
On your way back, you were shoving poky sticks into each others mouths until you reached the hideout.

Dabi mixed the hair dye with his conditioner and gave you the bowl with the mixture.
„I've never dyed anyone's hair before.“
You said and chuckled.
„Just do freestyle, as long as it's black in the end, I don't care.“
He said and ruffled his hair one last time before you were probably going to ruin it.
Then you just started slapping the dye on his head and tried to get it all in.
„Your hair really turns white on the back.“
You seemed to be pretty impressed by his natural hair color.
„Tell me, how old are you for real?“
He turned around and hissed at you.
„My actual hair color got nothing to do with my age! My mother also had white hair from birth.“
You smiled at him.
„Relax, it was just a joke.“
You took some more hair dye out of the bowl and put it on Dabis head. Suddenly a big blob slid down and landed on his face.
„I said dye my hair, not my forehead!“
He hectically tried to get the black substance out of his face
„Sorry, but I already told you that this is my first time.“
You said and gave him a paper towel to wipe everything away.
After you let it all sit for a while it was time to wash out the dye.
„Let me help you with that.“
You suggested and took the shower head.
After he gave you permission, you washed his hair. Your fingers softly touched his scalp, untieing the few knots his hair had built up.
After you washed everything out, Dabi went to his room to blow dry his hair. You excitedly waited at his doorstep.
Suddenly he opened the door to let you in.
„And? What do you think?“
You asked, your eyes madly sparkling.
Dabi turned away from the mirror.
„Well, it looks sloppy, not gonna lie.“
He said and ruffled his hair.
„What?! Nononono! There must be a misunderstanding! See, you told me you wanted your roots to be black again, they obviously are! My job here is done, now pay me in poky sticks!“
You tried to get yourself out of the misery.
„No, there is no way out for you.“
He said bending down and grabbing the upper part of your arm.
„People who do sloppy jobs, don't get paid. “
He whispered in your ear.
You shrugged.
„So there won't be any poky sticks for you princess.“
You tried to reply but your whole body, including your jaw froze.
„That's what I thought.“
He said and petted your head.

Well hello there everyone!
Big thank you to all of the people who have been supporting my story through votes and saves, I really appreciate it <3
I also find it absolutely amazing that some people even follow me now, that's truly amazing <3

Ayyooo I even got 1k+ reads on this story, this is just so fucking crazy

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