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The boots were tied and the hood of the black hoodie was pulled over your head.
Then you left the hideout to go to the mall.
When you arrived there, people were everywhere. You also sensed some sort of tension.
It wasn't the usual, oh we're all very busy individuals tension, no. It was very different from that.
It was like the people were scared of something coming from the shadows of the alleyways around, trying to hunt them down.
You didn't care much. If there was really a reason to be worried, you'd be able to defend yourself with your quirk.
You stopped at a shop window. A TV screen was placed behind it and the news were flashing over it.
A woman in a suit was talking about something you couldn't hear because of the glass that was separating you from the screen.
Then a picture appeared on the upper left corner. It was the hero Dabi and you had killed a day ago.
Your eyes widened. Maybe you weren't able to defend yourself against everything that was waiting in the dark for you. Especially if it was the local police looking for you again.
You looked around and started walking. You still had to buy a new buckle for your gier.
The whole time, you felt like someone had laid their eyes on you. Even after you bought what you wanted and were ready to leave, the feeling didn't fade.
You eventually started walking quicker than before, sweat drops forming on your forehead.
Suddenly you felt how someone grabbed you by the shoulder and stopped you from walking.
You turned around and faced the person behind you.
It was a tall girl with long black hair and bangs. She seemed utterly familiar to you.
„Hey y/n! Seems like I got it right and the person I was following around the whole time was really you.“
She spoke with an innocent smile on her face.
You grunted.
'So I was right. I have been followed the whole time.'
„What do you want? And don't you think stalking someone is a bit creepy?“
You ask looking at her.
„Oh ahaha. I'm sorry if I scared you, but to me you never seemed like the type of person who is easily scared. Anyways, I thought you might wanna do me a little favor.“
She was grinning at you.
„And what should that be? And why should I do something for you in the first place?“
You asked skeptically.
„I thought you might give me Dabis number.“
She said with a smile.
You put up one eyebrow.
„What makes you think that I would even have it?“
You scoffed.
„Come on. You and Dabi are close, I know that you are colleagues and maybe even friends by now. Who knows, anyways... You've got his number for sure.“
She said.
„And why do you think I would give it to you? And besides, I don't think Dabi would appreciate it if I gave out his number to random people, before asking him.“
You responded with an eye roll.
Yuriko started to get impatient.
„Listen here y/n, I already told you. It would be just a favor, k? Besides, you've been to the party I've hosted, so that means I have let you in onto my property and my private area. Also, Dabi wanted to give me his number back then, but he was too drunk and then forgot.“
Was that really true? Or was she trying to get you to give out Dabis number already?
You looked down and sighted.
„Okay. I'll write it down for you.“
You said as she handed over her phone.
You quickly typed the number in and gave it back to her.
„Now stop annoying me, got it?“
You asked harshly and turned around.
„Of course! You'll not regret this deal!“
She squealed.
'Of course not. You're the only one who is gonna regret something here.'

Time skipppp

„Y/n-chan! Y/n-chann!“
Toga squeaked as your entered the hideout.
„Look look look ! There is this huge photo of Izuku-kun in the newspaper! Apparently he was out with All Might and shit, but honestly, who cares about All Might if there is this beautiful picture of Izuku-kun right here!“
She held up the newspaper to your face.
„Uhm well... That's amazing I guess.“
You spoke.
She nodded intensely.
„I'm gonna put it up in my room! It'll look great next to my bed for sure! So his face will be the last thing I see before I fall asleep and the first thing when I wake up in the morning.“
She had this huge smile on her face again and small blushed formed under her eyes.
'She's totally crazy, but hey! Who am I to judge, right?'
„Did you get some tape from the mall?“
She asked while spying into the paper bag you were carrying in your right hand.
„Sorry, just a new buckle for my gier.“
You responded.
„Maybe Spinner has some!“
Her eyes lit up and she sprinted down the hallway.
You smirked and shook your head.

You sat on your bed and fixed your gier.
After your work was done you put it away to the other parts of your villain outfit.
Then suddenly your thoughts got back to Yuriko.
'What the heck, stop that right now   y/n.'
You hit your forehead against your fists to forget her.
Suddenly you heard someone whine from outside your room.
„Daaaabiii! Hehhelpp!“
You jumped up and pulled open the door.
Twice was running up and down the hallway and seemed to be very upset.
He screeched.
Dabi opened the door to his room and looked outside.
Toga, Spinner, Mr Compress and even Shigaraki stuck their heads outside of the rooms and looked at Twice jumping around.
He threw his phone in Dabis direction and he caught it.
He whined, got on his knees and grabbed one of his legs.
„Oh God, what the heck is it?“
He scoffed and tried to shake him off.
„There is this person who sends me really sexual messages and thinks that it's youhuhuhu!“
He cried.
„Oh Gawddd Twice!“
He rolled his eyes and tried to unlock the phone.
You closed the door and curled up laughing.
'Ooops, seems like I accidentally confused Dabis number with Twices.'
You thought while chuckling while you thought about what face Yuriko was making right now.

1037 words <3
See you next chapter and don't forget to vote and add this book to your reading list if you want to read more <3

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