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It was early in the morning and you and Dabi were about to switch places with Toga and Twice at UA.
But before you go you still wanted to have breakfast.
You were already in the kitchen preparing something for yourself.
It honestly felt weird to make breakfast without Toga.
But she was still on duty.
Dabi wasn't there yet so it was just you making some iced coffee.
Suddenly you felt how someone entered the room behind you.
„Y/N... Can we go talk?"
They asked.
You turned around to see Shigaraki.
„Uhm... Sure..."
You answered.
„But only if I will still have enough time to drink my coffee before I have to leave."
He nodded.
„Follow me."
He said and turned around.
You slowly did as you were told and he walked you up to the roof.
It was still pretty cold outside from the night and everything in your surroundings was half asleep.
„Why did you bring me up here? We could've talked in the kitchen. It would've been totally fine."
He looked away.
„I.. Well... I didn't want anyone to hear or get interrupted."
He said.
After a moment of silence he asked
„How are you? Are you happy?"
„You didn't just bring me up here because you wanted to ask me how I've been right?"
„Is he treating you right?"
He asked without even considering to answer your question.
You immediately knew he was talking about Dabi.
„Yea.... Yea he does..."
You looked down.
„You know... I know we aren't together anymore but sometimes I'm still sad that I'm not a part of your life anymore....."
He said.
His voice was quiter and it almost seemed like he was unsure if he should really say that.
„I just miss you a lot since you were the first person I actually cared about in that way."
He turned his head around to look at you.
You swallowed down the knot that was building up in your throat.
„And I just wanted to ask if you are finally happy... And if I wasn't the one who could make you happy... I'm glad that he can."
A soft breeze moved your hair out of your face and you accidentally made direct eye contact with him.
Shigaraki quickly looked away.
„S-sorry... If I made you uncomfortable.. W-with what I said..."
He stuttered and let his hair fall in front of of his face.
He looked way more uncomfortable and shy in that moment than you.
„Uhm no... It's alright.."
You responded and got closer to him to put your hand on his shoulder.
He slightly looked up to you and your gazes met again but this time it seemed to be a way more comfortable setting.
„You have a beautiful soul and you deserved nothing but honesty. And you still do."
You made a short break.
„You were good to me and I really enjoyed the time we had together... But I didn't want to lie to you and make you believe I had all my thoughts on you."
You felt a sharp pain in your chest while saying these words out loud.
„So let me be honest with you again. Dabi and I are happy. Means I am happy. You don't need to worry about me. I'm totally fine. And we will also stay committed to each other."
You said and your gaze now focused on the ground.
Now you felt his hand on your shoulder.
„I know... But in case something happens and you need help with him or something... Just know I've got your back. You can always vent to me if you want to and I'll try to help."
You smiled at him.
„Thank you."
You responded and he took his hand back.
He nodded at you before you turned away from him and walked back down to the kitchen.

And here's another chapter that's been sitting in my drafts since fkn September, I'm seriously so sorry about that yikes

I also got logged out of my account and had basically no time to write anything in the past months but tonight some random boost of motivation hit me

I'm definitely gonna write something now, don't know when it's gonna be up tho, and I also kinda forgot how I wanted the story to go on but yeaaaa
I'm trying to reconstruct it

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now