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He looked at you with a smile.
„Why are you looking down? Am I this bad of a view?"
Dabi asked and grabbed your chin to make you look at him again.
Your gaze met his for a second before someone knocked on the door.
It was this harsh kind of knock, that almost made the door crumble. Who the fuck could that be? Especially now..
The person outside hissed as harshly as they had knocked before.
„Your annoying girlfriend is here! Keep her away from the rest of us, got it? I'm so done with this crap!"
It was Shigaraki.
„She's not my girlfriend!"
Dabi yelled back and you both knew that he was talking about Yuriko.
„You heard damn crusty-face. It's time for me to go."
He said and stretched his back one last time.
„Oh, it would be better if you left a few minutes after me, Yuriko gets jealous real quick and if she notices that you were in my room, she might get the wrong vibe and my chances of getting into a relationship are zero once again."
He said and got up.
„So you really want to get into a relationship now?"
You asked with a slightly shaky voice.
He grabbed the back of his neck and said
„Well, I don't know. I've never really been in one before and honestly... Being known as the local fuck boy is not really good for my villain reputation either."
'But if you really think so, why make the worst choice available?'
You still just nodded as a sign that you understood what you had to do.
„Thanks y/n, you're an amazing friend."
And with those words, he left you, still sitting on his bed, surrounded by nearly 100 instant ramen cups, old and sweaty clothes, band posters on the walls and even the ceiling, probably his opened diary on the night stand and all your thoughts that made your head spin.

Time skipppp

You heard Yuriko and Dabi talk in the kitchen and hearing her voice almost made you brain commit suicide.
Oh God, it was almost indescribable how much you hated her.
At some point you just decided to leave the apartment and get some space.
As you walked down the staircase your gaze was suddenly pointed to the door to the bar underneath your apartment.
Strangely, there were no noises coming from the other side even if the door was slightly opened.
You carefully opened it and looked inside. The bar was completely empty and Kurogiri was standing behind the counter, polishing a glass with a white cloth.
„Kurogiri? What on earth are you doing here? "
You asked completely confused.
„Just preparing a few drinks on my own... you know... Since we had to leave out of our old hideout, I wasn't doing anything bartender like anymore and I just kind of missed it."
He told you in pure honesty.
„So you broke into this place and killed everyone who couldn't escape?"
You asked and pulled up one eyebrow.
„Oh God no, what do you think of me? That would be so uncivilized, especially if you pay attention to the fact, that it would draw unnecessary attention to the league."
Kurogiri responded and put the glass down.
„They unexpectedly closed this place for one or two days. Well and then I broke in and made a couple drinks. Would you be so kind and bring them up to the apartment so everyone can enjoy their personalized drink? They're over there on the little silver tray. I even made one for Dabis new girlfriend."
Kurogiri said and made a little head-movement to the side.
„They're not together."
You harshly responded and grabbed the tray.
„Oh I'm sorry y/n, this seems to be a sensitive topic of yours."
He turned around and put the glass away.
„It's not a sensitive topic smoke face, got it?"
You grunted and immediately realized what tone you had used, even though Kurogiri had done nothing wrong.
„I'm sorry."
You apologized and looked down.
„I better go upstairs now and deliver the drinks."

You put down the tray on the kitchen table and looked up to Dabi and Yuriko.
They were still sitting there and Yuriko had put her legs on his lap.
„Kurogiri made these. Take yours and stop being so goddamn annoying."
You mumbled and grabbed your glass and left.
After you closed the door to your room, you sat down on your bed. You looked around your room. It was way emptier than Dabis.
You had your bed, night stand, this poor looking mirror, your closet that was poorly filled with clothes and a filthy, thin rug. That was it.
Maybe some new accessories wouldn't hurt.
As you were thinking about the best way to costomize your room, someone knocked on the door.
„Come in. "
Toga stepped through the door frame with a bright smile on her face and one of Kurogiris drinks in her hand.
„Hey y/n-chan! I heard you were pissed off because Yuriko is here, so I decided to come over and enjoy Kurogiris drinks with you."
She sat down in front of you and kept smiling.
„Thanks, I always enjoy your company."
You responded with a smile.
Then you just kept talking about a couple things, mostly to distract you of the fact that Yuriko was still here, probably heavily flirting with Dabi.
But as long as you spend time with Toga, you weren't even thinking about it.
By the way, the drink was very good. Kurogiri was a very good bartender and also made amazing drinks. You kinda began to feel sorry for him, because he wasn't able to do his bartender things every day anymore.
But sometimes sacrifices had to be made, even if it meant giving up something you loved.
You knew this just to well....
„Jeez, Kurogiri just got me right with this! I freakin love strawberries."
Toga said and placed her glass on the night stand.
You smiled in agreement.
„Yes, this was all just right."
You said Satisfiedly and let yourself fall back into the sheets.
„But there is still one more thing I gotta do."
„Oh oh oh, let me guess... Hmmmm... Electrocute Yuriko, so you can finally be with Dabi?"
Toga eyes sparkled brightly.
„I was actually just talking about getting some new things for my room, so it wouldn't look so empty anymore, but I'll think about it."
You responded.

I hope y'all are enjoying this story so far, see you with a new chapter on Sunday <3
Also, I appreciate everything single person who voted for this or added it to their reading list so freaking much <3<3<3
Actually just saw that my story in no 1 on # dabi, love you guys so much for that<3

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