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Twice and Toga were chanting during your brainstorming.
Maybe telling Twice about the whole you having a crush on Dabi thing wasn't the best idea after all.
You had also been sceptical at first but toga somehow convinced you and he promised not to tell Dabi anything after all.
„Guys! I still want him to like me afterwards! This is not only about getting rid of Yuriko."
You tried to calm them down.
„But he will, this is how love stories work y/n-chan!"
Toga tried to explain to you.
„But this is real life and not some stupid romance TV show, things are a lot different on screen."
You internally face palmed.
„But maybe you could give her a few zaps here and there to keep her in place?"
Twice suggested.
'You know what, that actually doesn't sound to stupid, but I still won't admit that he out of all had a good idea, maybe even the best so far....'
„You could also try to seduce Dabi, I think you'd actually have a pretty good chance that this works out."
Toga said and poked her knife into the table.
„Hey, stop ruining the shit I picked up for my room!"
Twice scolded her.
„C'mon, it was old anyways and you found it at the side of the street and somehow convinced Compress to help you carry it all the way home!"
Toga tried to defend herself.
You rubbed your temporal and confiscated the knife.
„Okay everyone, I really appreciate your help, but I kinda got the feeling that we ain't getting nowhere."
You sighed.
Toga and Twice looked up to you at the same time.
„I think we should call it a day and maybe next time we got some new, good ideas."
The meeting was continued.
You left Twices room and made your way back to your own.
A few steps away from your dorm you sighed.
'This was hella stressful, but at least my friends are trying to help.'
You opened the door and almost dropped Togas knife. You didn't even notice, that you still had it with you.
Dabi was lying on your bed and looked through some notebooks.
„What on earth are you doing here?!"
You screeched.
He slightly looked up.
„And why are your boots on my bed?!"
„Sorry, I didn't realize. I actually came here to talk to you."
He said and put the book away.
„And while waiting, you thought it would be a good idea to look through my personal notes?"
You asked offendedly.
„Sorry, you sure took your time to come back here and I got bored."
He scratched the back of his head.
„Can we talk now? We could go on a walk if you want to, sun is already going down and that means most people go to sleep now."
He suggested.
„Why do you wanna talk, I don't think we have a problem or anything."
You responded.
„And that sentence alone proves it all."
He said.
You sighed and after all, you agreed.

Dabi and you were walking down the alleyway next to each other.
Then he broke the silence you held.
„You're avoiding me."
He said.
You didn't answer at first.
„Actually I think you're avoiding at all costs."
He recognized.
„I'm not."
You responded and looked away.
Dabi grabbed your shoulder and turned you around.
„Yes you are! And I want to know why!"
He forced you to look him in the eyes.
You didn't answer.
„You fucking agreed to talk, so talk to me."
He confronted you.
„I-I... Sorry, I guess I'm just kinda going through something right now.“
You looked down.
Dabi sighed.
„Listen y/n, you can always talk to me when something's bothering you. I'm here to help, we're friends right?"
'And exactly that's the fucking problem!'
You wanted to scream directly into his face, but instead you remained silent.
„Thanks, I appreciate it.“
You mumbled.
„That's my girl.“
He said and pulled you into a hug.
It has been some time since you were this close to him, and this sudden closure somehow felt wrong.
'What is wrong with me?'
You pressed your face against his shoulder and then in the crook of his neck.
He smelled really good, even if he wasn't the type to actually shower a lot.
You inhaled his smell and closed your eyes and suddenly you were able to at least relax a little bit more.
„Thank you Dabi.“
You mumbled again, this time feeling how tears started to rise in your eyes.
„Hey hey, what do I see here? No tears allowed as long as I'm watching.“
Dabi said and used his thumb to wipe them away.
Something about this was so comforting to you but his kindness towards you made you only more emotional.
Eventually you decide to let all your tears flow down your face. No holding back anymore.
Dabi looked at you with a soft smile and pressed you close into his chest and started rubbing your back.
Your face was lying on his shoulder while you had your arms slightly wrapped around his sides.
His fingers sometimes traced through your hair as well and yours clenched into the back of his coat.
'I want to stay like this for ever, please, never let me go ~'

This chapter came out a little bit shorter than I wanted but I hope you still like it, besides it's Wednesday and I ain't got shit in my drafts no more....
Well school and anxiety really kick my ass these days, but I'll still try to keep up my uploading schedule <3

Edit from February 20th, Sunday

I just finished chapter 28 and gaaawwwwddd, definitely stay tuned for it, it's coming out next Sunday <3

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