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You had a bright smile on your face when you beat Twice in Mario Kart.
„Oh c'mon y/n! You can't be serious!“
He cussed.
You laughed and handed over the controller to Toga.
„There, your turn! By the way, this whole video game thing is amazing!“
You grinned and got back up on the couch.
Twice and Toga sat in front of you on pillows on the floor and started another round.
You grabbed a bowl with snacks and and shoved some of them into your mouth.
„You seriously bought so much stuff? Who's gonna eat all of that?“
You asked while chewing.
„Not everyone has arrived yet dummy.“
Twice said and then got hit by a red shell.
He yelled.
He used his mushroom to boost himself back to fourth place again.
„Who else is gonna come?“
You tried to ask through Twice yelling.
„Wel also invited Dabi over, but he told us that he's gonna be late.“
Toga answered.
„You know that he eats a lot.“
'Dabi's gonna be here.'
You thought shoving some more snacks into your mouth.
And after two more races between Toga and Twice, the door opened up and Dabi entered the room.
„What's poppin everyone.“
He yawned and let himself fall down next to you.
„C'mon y/n, give me some of those cheese balls.“
He said and pointed at the bowl.
And then there were two people on the couch, stuffing their faces with cheese balls.
„Dabi-San, now you have to play against y/n-Chan! “
Toga suggested.
„But beware, she started playing today and she's already super awesome!“
She handed her controller over to you.
„Well, thanks for praising me but I'm pretty sure Dabi's gonna beat me.“
You said, switching places with her.
Dabi sat down at Twices place.
„Yea, she's right Toga.“
Then he looked you deep in the eyes.
„I'm gonna beat your fucking ass.“
He said with and evil smirk.
„Don't be intimidated y/n-chan! “
Toga said and patted your shoulder.
„You're gonna win.“
She smiled.
Then the countdown started and the race started.
Right at the beginning of the mute city race, you drove over all the booster fields and got some good speed.
„Yea y/n! Dabi's behind you!“
Toga cheered you on.
But then a shell hit you and you saw how Dabi passed you by.
„Fuck! You little fucker, you're gonna dieee!“
You yelled, trying to catch up to him again.
Dabi ended up winning the race.
„I told you, you don't have a chance against me.“
He dropped his controller and tackled you down to the ground, while Twice tried to scold him for being reckless with his stuff.
„Get away dumb fuck!“
You grabbed a pillow next to you and slammed it against Dabis head.
„Twice, c'mon! Now it's you and Dabi!“
Toga squeaked.
She and you sat next to each other and watched the boys have their tournament.
„Dabi is so fucking good at this game, I don't get it.“
Her eyes were wide open as she watched him be first place for the fourth time in a row.
You nodded. After they finished the races, you switched places with Dabi and did a tournament with Twice.
You were playing for a couple more hours until you got tired.
„Dabi, I officially declare you master of Mario Kart for this night!“
Toga said and threw a cheese ball at him.
He smirked proudly.
„And I declare y/n best new player, even if she lost all the time.“
He said and grinned at you.
„Hey! I beat Twice a couple time!“
You tried to defend yourself.
He pouted very offended.
„Who's down for another round? “
Toga yawned and almost fell off of the couch.
„I think we should call it a night.“
You suggested and stretched your back. The others agreed and Toga helped Twice, clean up the mess when you and Dabi already left.
„Good night.“
He said and softly smacked your shoulder.
„Good night!“
You smiled at him and then entered your room.
After you put a crop top and some booty shorts to sleep and jumped into your bed.
The day was very exhausting but deep inside, you also felt some sort of inner peace and it was truly bussin.
Game night at Twices room was amazing and even though you lost most of the races, playing Mario Kart with your friends was amazing.
You slightly smirked at the thought of calling not only Toga, but also Twice and Dabi your friends.
Then you closed your eyes and peacefully fell asleep.

Today's chapter was a little bit shorter than usual, but I hope you still liked it <3
See you next time with a bit more action
Author-Chan ~

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