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Two days had passed since Dabi had his outburst in the kitchen.
Yuriko hadn't been in the hideout ever since and she  also didn't seem to be calling Dabi anymore.
It was just like she disappeared from the scene.
But Dabi also hadn't been very active. He had got you an ice pack to cool off the spot where Yuriko hit you and a bandaid for the bloody scratch on your forehead.
He had brought you back to your room and made sure you were alright, but after that, he went back to being quiet and in his room all the time.
You actually dropped off some ramen cups at his door, just like you had planned. He apparently also took them inside.
But he still didn't want to talk to anyone.
You also didn't feel to well. Dabis silence made you question a lot, you truly wanted to be there for him and support him, but you just didn't know how.
It pulled you down and you couldn't hide it.
Toga visited your room at the late afternoon.
„Hey y/n-chan!“
She had the big usual smile on her face.
You knew she had something in mind.
„Twice and I came to notice that you weren't feeling well and we thought we could do something to get your mind off of all that shit!“
Whatever it was, she seemed to be very excited about it.
You pulled up one eyebrow.
„We're going to the clubbbb!“
She squealed.
„You know, going out, having fun and just doing something else than just lying around the hideout all day.“
You looked down.
„I don't know... I don't even have something to wear...“
Toga rolled her eyes.
„Don't worry about that! Come with me!“
She grabbed you and pulled you right into her room.
She then pulled some stuff out of her closet.
„Here! We can match!“
She had two silk mini dresses in her hands.
„I take the red one and you take the cheetah print one! I even got some jewelry and heels, everything matches of course!“
Her eyes were sparkling brighter than the LED lights on flash mode.
„Also.. Twice is trying to convince Dabi to come with us, just this second. We thought that he also needs some distraction.“
„Maybe going out once won't hurt...“
You considered.
„See? That's just what I was saying the whole time! Now let's put on some makeup!“
You were surprised by all the stuff Toga had gathered around her room. It was way more than you could ever imagine owning.
Dresses, makeup, accessories, she had everything.
Also in so many different colors. It was shocking to you how a person could own anything else but black clothes.
When you asked her about it she just replied
„Oh y/n-chan, you're just to emo to get it.“
After hours of getting dressed, fixing hair and doing makeup you were finally done.
„See? See? You look stunning!“
Toga squealed while slightly jumping up and down.
You left Togas room and went outside.
„Twice must get here any minute.“
You leaned against a car while waiting. Then the door of the building opened up and Twice came walking outside, right after him, Dabi.
He wasn't wearing anything special, just black ripped jeans with a chain on the side, a white shirt and a leather jacket to top it all off.
Twice pulled him closer to the group.
„Amazing! I think we can go now!“
Toga and Twice started walking in the front and you and Dabi just followed.
„You look pretty...“
He mumbled almost inaudible.
You felt how you were blushing.
A little smile built up in the corner of his mouth.
You were walking in silence for some time, except Togas constant rambling about how cool everything was going to be, that is.
„We kinda gotta sneak in through the back door tho...“
Twice explained the only complications.
„Oh come on, don't make it more complicated than it is.
Dabi just pushed the door open and walked in. The others followed without saying.
Soon you walked in the main room. Everything was colorful, loud and moving around.
You all were on a small gallery from where you could overview the place.
„How about we start off with some drinks?“
Toga asked and already started walking down the stairs to the bar.
Twice also seemed to have a liking to the idea.
„Hey, you coming?“
Dabis voice pulled you back to reality.
He was the only one who was still up there with you.
You quickly nodded and followed him.
The whole tension in the room was kinda overwhelming to you. It sort of held you back from moving around a lot and it also put your ability to speak on lock.
Toga had organized some drinks for the whole group, so at least that wasn't your responsibility.
You all drank the shots. You quickly threw it down your throat and felt a short burn afterwards.
„I'm gonna get new ones!“
And then she disappeared again.
After some more drinks, Toga wanted to go on the dance floor and she somehow managed to convince Twice to go with her. Wait, that sounds like it was hard work, actually he was even more enthusiastic about it than her.
You still held on to the drink in your hand as you watched them disappear in the crowd.
You felt a random shiver go through your body.
Dabi seemed to notice because he slightly bowed down next to you.
„Hey you alright? Did you already drink too much?“
He asked.
You shook your head.
„I don't think this is because of the alcohol.“
You were able to press out.
„Okay, got it.“
He put an arm around you and started walking you in the area where the toilets were. It was way calmer around here.
„Social anxiety. It's bussin, right?“
He asked you with a smile.
He had both hands placed on your shoulders and made you look at him.
„You're getting better?“
He asked after a few minutes.
You were standing close to him, so close, your chest was almost touching his.
His aura had a calming effect on you, like it always did. And it made the anxiety slowly fade away.
„Tell me when you're ready to go back outside.“
He put his arms around you and made his chin rest at the top of your head.
You closed your eyes and rested your head on his chest.
You stood like that for a whole moment, listening to his heart beating behind his ribs.
„Thank you for being back.“
„Was I ever really gone?“
„No, but you weren't around either.“
He let out a sigh.
„I'm sorry for not being around. I had a really bad feeling about it too.“
„I forgive you as long as you stay.“
„Thank you.“
A moment of silence followed.
„We can go outside again, I'm fine. Let's get some more drinks.“
You said with a big smile.
Dabi shook his head.
„You really can't get enough, can you?“
He followed you back outside.
„I'm gonna pay.“
He pulled out his wallet and got some yen out.
When he came back, you quickly gulped down your old drink before starting the new one.
You also quickly finished it.
„Wowowowow, where're you going with that attitude? You got some plans on getting wasted super fast tonight or something?“
Dabi asked.
„Toga said we're here to have fun, so I'm having fun.“
„Well that's an answer.“
He chuckled.
„You wanna dance later?“
He asked.
„Heck yeah, let's go.“
While taking your first step forward you stumbled over your own feet but you were able to catch yourself last second.
„Careful darling.“
Dabi chuckled and then followed you.
You were surrounded by people but you just didn't seem to care much anymore.
You danced there for a while until Dabi suddenly grabbed your waist and got you closer to him.
You still had a cup in your hand, but you just dropped it on the floor.
The liquid inside splashed all over your legs.
„Not your responsibility.“
Dabi whispered into your ear as you tried to pick it up.
„Just focus on me, that's all you need to do right now.“
You followed his demands and held onto him.
You looked him right into the eyes and listened to the melody of Bite Me by Jay D Stryder.
Then you felt his right hand travel from your waist up to your chin.
„You're so hot right now.“
You muttered, trying to not fall over.
„And you are super drunk.“
He responded and suddenly you felt his breath run over your lips before you felt his on yours.
'What the fuck is actually going on?'
Your head was spinning as you decided to kiss him back.
Then you lost your balance and fell backwards.
That was all you remembered for now.

And it was officially added! There you go! Don't forget to vote if you want to read more <3

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