Chapter 32

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His highness is going to marry Klara?" He asked surprised. I guess he didn't know about that.

"Yes. The king wants him to marry his sister in exchange for help."

"Oh...but how can I help you?" he asked.

I wasn't sure how either but I wanted to stop this.

"Your highness I just want to tell you that if you stop this we could all die."

"I know" I said quickly. "I want to stop this without us dying, that's why I need your help."

I hoped he could come up with something.

"There is only one way to stop this. It is to change Klaras mind about the marriage."

I knew that was the safest way but I knew it wouldn't be easy because Klara would do anything to get Lucian.

"How can we change her mind?"

"That...we will have to think about." He said thoughtful.

"What about other allies? Is there someone else who can help his highness?" I asked.

"No. You know prince Lucian has a reputation." He said. I knew what he meant.

Speaking of reputation, I still had to figure out what Lucian was. He couldn't be the devil's son because from what I learned when I was little the devil had no children. On the other hand when speaking spiritually if someone put their faith in Satan instead of God they become the children of the devil.

"Has his highness ever gone to church?" I asked. He was surprised by the sudden change of subject.

"I really don't know." He said.

"Alright. For now keep an eye on Klara. We might find something that can help us."

"I will." He said and left.

After he left I went to the mirror. The bruises on my face were still visible which meant I still couldn't leave the room. Sighing I sat down. I wanted to go out so badly, there was nothing I could do in here.

I tried to read for a while, looked outside the window, ate lunch, tried on different dresses, brushed my hair, tried to read again, ate dinner, wondered around the room, thought about Lucian for a while and now I was sitting on the bed sighing now and then while doing nothing. What a day? Totally wasted.

I fell back on the bed and stared at the Ceiling. What if Lucian was spending time with Klara while I was bored to death in here. Why could he never spend the day with me?

"Lucian where are you?" I whispered for some odd reason.

"Did you miss me wife?"

Startled I sat up on the bed. Lucian was standing next to the bed a smirk on his face.

"How did you come in?" I asked.

"Through the door." He said with an expression that said where else?

"I didn't hear you come in."

"That's because you were thinking about me." I tried not to blush.

"That's because you were gone the whole day and I was locked in here." I said.

"Not because you miss me?" He added. I could see he was enjoying this. Fine with me if he wanted to play.

"Did you miss me?" I asked.

His expression became serious as he walked to my side of the bed. Then he offered me his hand. As if my body controlled itself I grabbed it and he helped me up and pulled me closer gazing into my eyes . I did the same thing unable to looked away, his eyes were hypnotizing.

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