Chapter 90: Vol2 Chapter 30

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Half demon half witch, that's what he was according to Roshan. But his father was neither witch nor demon, then maybe...he wasn't his father at all.

Then who was?

The devil?

What if the rumors about him were true after all? It could be possible. If demons existed and he was one then everything else could be possible as well.

"You said different kind of demons, what did you mean?"

"Different rank. Demons are either created, turned or born. Those created are the first demons and highest in rank. Those demons offsprings are the born ones and next in rank and the turned ones are lowest in rank. There are other ranks in between but it's a long story." He explained.

"I want to know." Lucian said.

Roshan sighed. "Alright, very short. If you are born your rank depends on if both your parents are created, only one of them, or none. If both are created then you are in a higher rank. If you are turned, your rank depends on who turned you. The more powerful the demon who turned you is the higher rank you are."

"Which rank are you?"

"I am a born demon and both my parents are created."

He was very high in rank. Lucian could actually feel the power that emanated from him.

"And the devil?"

Roshan came to a halt. "What about him?"

"Does he exist?"

"He does indeed."

"Do you know him?"

Roshan paused for a moment then spoke. "Yes."

"I want to meet him."


Irene, Klara and I were back home after helping all the soldiers and providing them with food. The moment I saw them, looking like they did, I really wanted Lucian to punish his brother in the worst way. He didn't deserve mercy after all the inhuman things he did to all of them.

"Don't be sad. Think positively. At least they are alive." Irene said trying to cheer me up.

"Irene, I really want to punish him." I said unable to control my anger.

"Don't worry. He will get what he deserves. I'll make sure of it now that the curse is broken."

Right. I almost forgot about the curse.

"How did it break?" I asked.

"I am not sure. I had always been able to watch Lucian with the help of some magic but one day I just couldn't see him. I instantly knew something was wrong and just then Lothaire appeared and I could see it on his face. I could see that the thing I dreaded the most had happened. My son had died."

"But he is alive." I said.

Irene nodded. "He died but he came back to life and when he did he changed. That's why I couldn't watch him anymore and that's why I truly believed that he was dead."

"Can demons come back to life?"

"Actually they cannot, but they are very difficult to kill. I guess its because he is a demon and a witch. He has the entity of both which means, when one dies the other one saves." She explained.

"How do you know this?"

"I am only guessing. It happened to me after all. I died and came back. It's a long story." She said when she saw the confused look on my face.

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