Chapter 49

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Klara couldn't help but stare at the mesmerizing beauty in front of her. How could a man or a human possible look like this?

She took in every detail. The perfectly sculpted face, the defined eyebrows, the flaming eyes, the sharp nose, lips made to kiss and a flawless skin. And his hair, it was long, thick and black and shone in the sunlight. Klara realized that none of his hair was out of place or dirty even though they had spent the whole day on a battlefield.

The prince leaned down and reached behind her. His scent reached her nostrils, he smelled of spices. He should smell of sweat and blood after killing almost all her men.

After hearing a cutting sound Klara's hands were free. Before she could stand up he grabbed her jaw and made her look at him.

"Don't ever think of running." He warned his voice low.

Klara was never the obedient type but she found herself nodding.

He slowly let go of her face and her body tingled with carnal awareness as his fingertips brushed her skin. It terrified her. She needed to keep a safe distance from this man.

The rest of the day went by quickly. They offered her food and didn't treat her badly. Most of the time they didn't even look her way which was both odd and comforting.

She was used to men ogling or looking at her inappropriately. Most of the time she knew what was on their mind but they never dared to act on their thoughts out of fear for her brother.

When she reached the age of marriage many powerful men had come and asked for her hand but she had denied all of them.

"Sweet sister. You are at the age of marriage but you are denying every man. What do you want me to do?" Her brother would ask time after time.

"They only want me because of my looks, Rasmus."

"Is that a bad thing?" Rasmus would look at her confused. "You should be happy that you are a beautiful lady."

No one understood her. Of course she was thankful for her beauty but she wished someone would see her for who she was.

Klara looked up at the sky. The sun had gone down and the night covered the sky like a black curtain. The soldiers sat around a fire and chatted happily while drinking and eating. Klara sat away from them leaning against a tree. She was tired but she couldn't fall asleep afraid they would take advantage of her. They hadn't treated her badly so far and even offered her food and a blanket to warm herself but she was not the type to trust easily.

"Don't worry. My men will do nothing without my permission."

Klara knew this voice because it brought butterflied to her stomach. She always got the strange feeling of wanting to run and stay at the same time every time she saw the prince.

Sighing he sat down leaning against a tree in front of her. Klara couldn't help but stare at him, he was very pleasing to the eyes.

"And how would I know you wouldn't give them permission?"

"I am asking you to help me stop a s.e.x trade. Why would I ask my men to **** you?"

Well, that was true.

"What's your name?" She asked unable to stop her curiosity.


Klara thought she liked his name. Even though she didn't want to admit she liked everything about this man. She liked how he looked into her eyes when he spoke to her instead of scanning her body.

"My name is Klara." She told him.

He just nodded.

"When I have helped you, how can I trust you will set me free."

Married To The Devil'S Son 2 (SAMPLE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن