Chapter 76: Vol2 Chapter 16

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Klara was surprised to find Irene like this. She barely recognized her. Irene looked frightening. She was pale, her hair was ragged and her face was covered in tears, but that's not what frightened Klara. It was her eyes. Irene's eyes looked dead, as if her soul had left her body. She stared at Klara yet it seemed she wasn't looking at her, but right through her.

Klara wondered what happened so she slowly walked inside. "Irene?" she called hesitantly.

When she got no reply she approached Irene slowly. "Is something wrong?"

A single tear ran down her cheek. "He is dead!" She said her voice void of any emotion.

"Who is dead?" Klara asked confused.

"My son." It was almost a whisper.

Irene had a son? Klara didn't know and she didn't know how to console Irene either.

Suddenly Irene shifted her gaze and looked right at Klara. The looked in her eyes sent a shiver down Klara's spine.

"You..." She said and Klara realized she was in danger even though she didn't know what wrong she did.

"You said you loved him...but you didn't save him." Irene hastily got out of bed and began strolling toward Klara slowly.

Klara took a few steps back frightened by the crazy look in Irene's eyes. She looked like she wanted to destroy the world. Klara was of course a fighter but she knew she didn't stand a chance with Irene. The woman was a witch after all.

"Now... who will save you?" She said threateningly.

Turning around Klara ran toward the door, grabbing the handle she wanted to leave quickly but suddenly the door shut by an invisible force and Klara couldn't open it. Panik kicked in and she reached for the knife that would probably not help, but again some invisible force knocked it out of her hand and it flew across the room. Swiftly Klara's eyes searched for something in the room she could use to defend herself but before she could even move Irene grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the wall.

Klara tried to kick, push, or even punch but neither could her legs move nor her arms. How would she defend herself if she couldn't even use her limbs? She could only use her mouth, maybe she should talk some sense into Irene's head but she could barely breathe as Irene tightened her grip, even more, squeezing all the air out of Klara's lungs.

"All of us said we loved him but none of us could save him. None! We all deserve to die."

Was she going to die like this? And her family wouldn't even know. No, she refused to die.

"You refuse?!" Irene asked. She could read her thoughts? "Alright then...I will make you suffer first." Then suddenly Klara felt her body get thrown across the room. She braced herself for the pain to come as she hit the wall then fell on a table that tumbled over and she fell further to the floor.

Klara rolled on the floor in pain while gasping for air. She had to get away and tried to get up despite the pain when Irene kicked her in the stomach and she fell back with a cry.

"I will kill everyone who claimed to love him, everyone and then I'll join you. Do you know why?" She asked. "Because I loved him the most yet I did nothing...nothing."

This was not good. Klara could hear the anger and despair in Irene's voice. If she didn't get away Irene would kill her for sure.

"Oh right. Before I kill myself I have to kill mother as well. I'll kill her!" She screamed.

While Irene was speaking to herself Klara tried to crawl away but soon Irene grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up, bringing both their faces close to each other. "You want to live princess? While letting the man you love die?"

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