Chapter 53

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I kept looking down at my hands while sitting in the garden with Lothaire. Irene had left saying she would bring us some tea that would help us sleep. I just hoped she would come back soon because I had never been so nervous in my life before. But since she just left I knew it would take some time before she came back and I couldn't just let this awkward silence continue. Besides I was the one who told her I wanted to meet him so I should say something.

"Irene has told me a lot about you," I said finally looking up.

"I hope it's good things." He said his voice as cool as the air around him.

"Yes, she lights up when she talks about you."

"She is very fond of you as well."

I just smiled not knowing what to say anymore. Irene please come back fast.

"Here I am." Irene came back with a tray of teacups and put it on the table. Then she went and sat next to Lothaire and he immediately put his arm around her shoulders.

For some odd reason, I suddenly missed Lucian. Irene and Lothaire looked at each other as if they heard my thoughts... or maybe they did?

Irene nodded and smiled and I looked down embarrassed.

"I made your favorite tea, it's Lothaires favorite too." She smiled. "Drink."

I took the teacup from the tray and sipped the tea. No tea tasted better than Irenes. She smiled, probably heard my thoughts again.

"I should go to sleep." I said putting the teacup back. It was late and maybe they wanted to be alone.

"Sure," Irene said getting up. "I'll follow you."

"You don't have to." I said, but she just ignored me and led the way.

"Is Lothaire also a witch." I asked as we headed back.

"I hoped you would ask." She said.


"Because the answer might help you and me." She explained. "But I need you to be calm and not get scared."

"You are a witch, and my husband is a...I don't know, anyways what could scare me more?" I said. At this point, nothing could scare me, even if Lothaire was a ghost.

We stopped right in front of my room.

"Lothaire is the Devil."

My brain stopped thinking for a moment then got flooded with thoughts. Devil like in Satan? Like the Devil in the Bible? What did she mean?

"Yes, Devil like in Satan."

Huh, right. I just sat and drank some tea with the Devil himself. I began to laugh. Maybe I had already gone to bed and was having a funny dream.

Irene put her hand on my shoulder. "Get some rest, we will talk tomorrow." She said and left me alone.

A witch, a Devil, and maybe Enoch was an angel and Roshan a demon and what could Lucian be? A vampire? This was crazy, has to be a bad dream.

Lucian watched the castle, where he used to live, where he had grown up, from a mountain far away. The castle where heavily guarded. Every gate, every corner, every door were guarded by soldiers with weapons. It would be impossible to enter and kill his brother unless his brother decided to come out.

Lucian sighed. He had spent too many days here waiting for some kind of opportunity for a way in to kill his brother but such opportunity never came.

"We can't stay here forever."

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