Chapter 101: Vol2 Chapter 41

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''My Lady, You are pregnant.'' The midwife told her, excitement clear in her voice.

Nyx should have been dancing with joy but she wasn't. She loved children and she wanted so badly to have her own, so why wasn't she happy? At least her husband would be happy she thought but she was dead wrong.

The king barged into the room, his face red with anger. "Leave!" He told everyone and once everyone left he grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the bed. His grip was tight, cutting all air away.

"What ...are doing?" She managed to ask while in pain.

"What have you done?" He growled bringing his face close to hers. "Whose child is this?"

Nyx grabbed his wrist and tried to remove his grip but he held her in place. Her eyes teared up.


"Don't lie to me!" He yelled letting go of her neck. She took in a sharp breath and then began to cough while holding her neck. "Tell me whos child it is while I am asking?"

With a sore throat, "Why would you think it's someone else's?" She asked.

He grabbed her arm and yanked her out of bed. "I have birds who whisper into my ears and I have been hearing a lot about you but I have been ignoring them. Now you have crossed the line."

Birds? Her mother had once told her that many powerful kings either had help from demons or witches. Why hadn't she listened and which one did whisper things into her husbands ears?

"Tell me you are not bearing a demon's child?" He said utterly disgusted.

Nyx froze in place. This couldn't be possible. She could not be pregnant with the devil's child. She hadn't met Lucifer for a month, she could not be pregnant with his child.

"No! This is not his child." She shook her head. "No!"

"Who is he?" Her husband asked.

Nyx kept shaking her head in denial. "No! It's not." She kept repeating. What would she do now? What would happen to her child?

"I don't need you, or this demon child. Guards!"

Nyx panicked as some guards entered the room.

"Lock her up!" He ordered. "Tomorrow you'll be beheaded infront of everyone."

Beheaded? What was he talking about? What about her child?

The guards grabbed her arms and began to drag her out of the room. "Wait! What are you doing? Let go! This is absurd."

"Let her go!"

It had been so long since she had heard this voice.


The guards dropped their hands and left the room as if nothing happened.

Nyx turned around still in shock and shaking in fear. "Mother." She squeaked relieved someone came to her rescue.

Her mother looked very angry as she stared at her husband. "I gave my daughter to you, not so that you could abuse her." She told him.

"You gave her to me yet there is a demon in her w.o.m.b." He said with revolt.

"I'll take care of it, but you won't lay a hand on her."

"You don't give me orders." He spat.

With a twist of her hand, the king fell on his knees, his face twisting with pain. "Don't forget who gave you the power to order people around." Her mother reminded.

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