Chapter 88: Vol2 Chapter 28

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Klara woke up feeling a bit disorientated. How and when she got into her bed, she couldn't quite remember. She wasn't even wearing her nightgown, which was strange because she always changed before going to sleep.

Not thinking further about it she went to freshen up. Once back into her room she changed into a new dress and began to comb her hair. What happened last night? She remembered drinking with Roshan, having one glass more of the delicious wine, but after that, she just couldn't recall anything. She got probably wasted.

Foolish girl. You were only supposed to have a taste, she scolded herself.

Once she got ready she left the room and headed to the garden where Irene liked to serve tea every morning, but once she arrived only Hazel was seated there.

"Good morning." Klara greeted.

"Good morning." Hazel smiled.

Klara sat down and poured some tea for herself. "Did you sleep well?"

Why was she asking as if she cared? But then she kept remembering all the bruises she saw and wondered if Hazel could even lay down without being in pain.

"Yes I did. You?"

"Well if you are not complaining then I can't say otherwise." She shrugged.

Hazel just smiled.

"I heard why you are here. I am sorry it turned out like this and I am forever grateful to you for saving and helping me."

"I am actually regretting it right now." Klara joked.

Hazel chuckled.

" Lucian alright?" Klara asked.

Hazel nodded. "Yes."

Klara looked down at her tea feeling suddenly strange in this situation but then she decided to say what she was really feeling so that she could get closure and put everything behind her.

"Hazel. I Don't want to pretend as if nothing happened anymore. Yes, I liked Lucian, I mean I still do but I just... I am not trying to get him anymore. I know I wasn't the nicest person to you and what I did was wrong but I was hurt and angry. Angry because...while I was waiting he got married to someone else. Hurt because he was the only person I ever liked but he couldn't be mine. Yes, I was selfish, I grew up learning to never give up but eventually, I did because I wanted him to be happy and I wasn't the person who made him happy."

Klara felt her heart ache at the last sentence.

"What I am trying to say is..." She continued. "Is that Lucian belongs to you and I am not trying to change that...I just..."

"I know." Hazel cut off. "I have actually tried to put myself in your shoes. What if I liked someone very much and he suddenly showed up with a wife. What would I do? How would I feel? It's not like I could stop liking him suddenly just because he got married. I would probably be as angry as you were and project my anger onto someone else. It's understandable, you don't have to explain anything. I don't have any hard feelings for you."

Klara nodded a bit relieved that Hazel was understanding. Unlike her, Klara grew up using her fists instead of her mouth so she wasn't very good at explaining herself. This was actually the first time she had a long conversation with a woman other than her sister and it felt good.

"I can really understand why Lucian loves you." Klara smiled.

"You are not so bad yourself." Hazel said with a smug look on her face.

"Oh really?" Klara pretended to be surprised and Hazel chuckled. "By the way, where are the others?"

Hazel shrugged. "Irene said she had somewhere to be and the others, I am not sure."

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