Chapter 68: Vol2 Chapter 8

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It was late at night and Lucian lay on his bed, unable to sleep. Something bothered him. Was it the fact that he was going back home? Or the fact that John and his family believed that he was a witch? It was more likely that he was the devil's son than a witch, he thought.

Leaving the room Lucian decided to go out for a while. The wind was cold and blew his hair onto his face. As he drew his hair back he thought about cutting it. Having it this long would only make people suspect him of being royalty or someone very wealthy. Besides he found it difficult to keep it clean now that he had to do it himself.

He looked up the sky. It was dark with only a few shining stars and the moon hid behind the clouds. Soon the winter would come with it's cold.

"Aren't you cold?" Nora came and stood next to him. She had a shawl wrapped around her shoulders which she held tightly.

"No." He never felt too cold or too hot. That was one of the many strange things about him.

Nora shook her head at his answer. "You couldn't sleep?" She asked.

Now Lucian shook his head.

"I would be confused if I were you too."

"What do you mean?" He asked turning to her.

She turned her gaze away and looked at the sky. "You don't know what you are."

"No..., but I am not a witch."

Nora laughed. "You know, it is not a bad thing to be a witch. You should be concerned about what else you could be."

"Are you saying I am something else?"

She looked at him for a while as if deciding what to say, then she took his hand. "Come." She said. "I want to show you something."

He followed her curiously.

"Look." She said pointing at a plant dead plant in their garden. "You can use a spell to make it alive and grow. Only witches can use magic in the form of spells which means if you are able to make the plant grow with a spell, then you are a witch."

Lucian looked at the plant. He hadn't tried to use the spellbook that John had given him so he didn't know whether he could cast a spell or not. Doing this would lessen his confusion and maybe stop John and his family from calling him a witch.

"I don't know any spell."

"Just do as I do." She said crouching down. "Place your hands here." She placed her hands just above the plant to show him how and he did the exact same thing.

"Then repeat after me 'Glisco vivere'."

"Glisco vivere."

Lucian felt a strange energy surge through him, then slowly the plant began to grow and change color. From dusty dead colors to vivid ones. The leaves and petals came to life and grew whole.

Lucian was stunned to see the whole thing happen in front of his eyes. No. He couldn't be a witch. He refused.

"See, I told you. You are a witch."

He shook his head in denial as he stood up. All those times he wondered what he was and he turned out to be a witch.

As if Nora read his thoughts. "Look you are not a simple witch. You are a drosht."

"What's that?" He asked in an almost harsh tone. Why was he so upset?

"It's a line of very powerful witches, the most powerful ones. They are usually the leaders of a coven. They are called drosht. You come from that line. Either your mother or father is a drosht."

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